On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 2:46 PM, Chris de Morsella <cdemorse...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> A GW is a measure of electric energy output

NO IT IS NOT!!! You utter nincompoop, GW is a measure of electric POWER not
ENERGY. You should have learned in high school if not grade school that
ENERGY and POWER are NOT the same thing and the difference is not subtle,
it is VAST.

>why are you not admitting that you erred by a factor of 2000 times in your
> calculation

I am not admitting it because I did not error by a factor of 2000,
originally I did error by a factor of 5 but in the opposite direction,
photovoltaics are even WORSE than what I said because I was assuming a
capacity figure of 100% instead of 20%.

> You are misising Capcity and using the  currently installed global solar
> PV capacity figure of 150GW as if this was the annual solar PV electric
> output
> OK  I'm going to go over this one more time very slowly and I'll try not
to use too many big words. First let's assume that solar cells work 5 times
better than they really do and the capacity factor is 1 instead of .2, then
worldwide solar cells would produce 1.5*10^11 watts of POWER. And in one
hour PV would produce 1.5*10^11 watt-hours of ENERGY. And in one year it
would produce 365*24 = 8760 times that much or 1.3*10^15 watt-hours of

And now lets see how much POWER would be required to run human technology,
it's 1.5 *10^17 watts of POWER. And to run it for one hour would require
1.5*10^17 watt-hours of ENERGY. And to run it for one year would require 365*24
= 8760 times that much or 1.3*10^21 watt-hours of ENERGY.

Now let's work on findings percentages. A percentage is a pure number with
no units and ENERGY and POWER have different units, so you can't divide
ENERGY by POWER as you did and expect to get anything meaningful, but you
can divide POWER by POWER and if you divide 1.5*10^11 watts of POWER by
1.5 *10^17 watts of POWER you get the pure number .000001.

Or you could divide the amount of ENERGY solar cells produce in one
hour, 1.5*10^11
watt-hours by the amount of ENERGY required to operate technology for one
hour 1.5*10^17 watt-hours of ENERGY, and we still get the pure number .000001.

Or you could divide the amount of ENERGY solar cells produce in one
year, 1.3*10^15
watt-hours of ENERGY, by the amount of ENERGY required to operate
technology for one year, 1.3*10^21 watt-hours of ENERGY, and we STILL get
the pure number .000001

And that is why I originally said photovoltaics provide .0001% of demand.
However you said that in the real world solar cells are much worse than
that and the capacity factor is not 1 but is .2, and that seems about right
to me, so they only produce 20% of the POWER and 20% of the ENERGY that I
used in the above calculation, therefore photovoltaics really only provide
.00002% of what is required to run the world.

>> You keep insisting that you are correct in comparing a capacity figure
>> on the one hand with an annual measure of total energy consumption on the
>> other to produce a ratio.
> A ratio of what exactly John?

A ratio of what it takes to run human civilization to what solar cells can
provide. You can do this by dividing POWER by POWER or ENERGY by ENERGY.
You can't do it by dividing  POWER by ENERGY as you tried to do, nor can
you do it by dividing the ENERGY solar cells can produce in a YEAR by the
ENERGY required to run technology for ONE HOUR which you also tried to do.

>>> Nobody is going to resurface planet earth - ever.
>> >> Why not? Not even in a billion years? Who did you determine that?
> No one is resurfacing the crust of planet earth, for a Thorium mining
> operation; not in a billion years.

You already said that, I was asking you for reasons I should believe that
what you said was true and how you received this revelation. Forget about
the Earth, a billion years is far more time than would be required to
re-engineer an entire galaxy; even with today's slow rockets a Von Neumann
machine could be sent to every star in the Milky Way in 50 million years.
And yet our galaxy does not appear to have been engineered, and that's why
I think ET may not exist.

 John K Clark

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