On 4/8/2014 6:16 PM, LizR wrote:
I was never too taken with the Gaia hypothesis - maybe because I didn't really understand it. I seem to recall Lovelock saying the human race would end up as a few people at the poles a while ago (I think that was him) with the rest of the world uninhabitable, or at least incapable of supporting agriculture. I'm not sure whether building "Climate controlled cities" is more vainglorious than trying to "save the world" - which may just mean putting a load of aerosol particles into the upper atmosphere, conceivably, after all. Or it may mean a bigger effort, but perhaps no bigger than winning a world war or putting people in space.

"It sounds good to try to save the planet, but in reality we are not thinking of saving Gaia, we are thinking of saving Earth for us, or for our nation.

"The idea of 'saving the planet' is a foolish extravagance of romantic Northern ideologues and probably much beyond our ability."

Well of course! He's made the mistake of believing what people say, rather than what they mean. No one wants to "Save the planet" except insofar as they want to save the human race. D'oh.

But he seemed to use 'we' to mean people of the U.K. and suggests that saving the planet is to big a job for that 'we' and should be left to the U.S., China, and Japan (which is maybe why he thinks it won't get done).


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