On Friday, April 11, 2014 11:21:29 PM UTC-4, Kim Jones wrote:
> On 12 Apr 2014, at 4:47 am, spudb...@aol.com <javascript:> wrote:
> Interesting, Professor Marchal. From what I have read some lucid dreamers 
> can actually feel the metal top of a car, or the feel of a wooden fence as 
> the dream 'walks' by. Plus, the dreamer knows he is dreaming.
> Last night I had a lucid dream (must be this thread getting into the 
> unconscious and stirring all sorts of things up.) Your typical flying 
> dream, complete with the waving of arms/wings flapping in order to 
> levitate. It was all quite natural and easy. I “flew” up outside the 
> apartment block where I live, to inspect the outside of the building (in 
> “reality” we are about to undergo a re-pinning operation as the mortar is 
> crumbling in spots) and I remember assuring myself as I was zooming around 
> the outside that “yes, this is obviously where I live”. At the same time, 
> “I” was able to observe myself in the act of believing falsity.
I could see that the building I was hovering outside (just like an avatar 
> in Second Life”) looked absolutely NOTHING like the building in which I 
> really live, yet I both believed it was the true and correct building and 
> simultaneously observed myself in the act of believing something false. 
> Both states involved a level of self-observation and belief.

Nice. I think this hints at the narrowness of modal assumptions about 
consciousness. Qualia is not just belief or a function of belief, as it can 
be both believed and disbelieved on different levels of awareness at the 
same time.

> Kim
> ============================
> Kim Jones B.Mus.GDTL
> Email:     kimj...@ozemail.com.au <javascript:>
> Mobile:   0450 963 719
> Landline: 02 9389 4239
> Web:       http://www.eportfolio.kmjcommp.com
> "Never let your schooling get in the way of your education" - Mark Twain

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