On 19 Apr 2014, at 09:37, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 12:52 AM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
On 4/18/2014 7:13 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
What society thinks has nothing to do with it, because weak correlation-based scientific evidence is used selectively to create laws that were desired a priori by some interest group.
That implies some nefarious motive and corrupt use of data known to be wrong. In fact there was no nefarious 'interest group' that wanted to ban marijuana or to ban alcohol or to ban heroin. All these bans were initiated by people who believed in the ill effects of these substances for individuals and for society. In many cases they had personal experience. That the bans may have given rise to criminal activities to circumvent them, isn't to the point of their origin.

I never claimed that any data was wrong. What I said was that correlations are weak evidence,

It is worth than that. The danger of cannabis is a set up. It is a case where politics just ignore the "real" data, and the real correlation, made in the valid direction. What I say is "mainstream": there are no expert on cannabis which know this, except "fake expert" paid by corporatist societies.

The first proof by Nihas that cannabis lead to brain problems was based on rabbits brain smoking 27 (I think) cigarettes of tobacco + cannabis 24h/24h. They died of lack of oxygen.

Of course all drugs have dangers, but comparatively to tobacco, alcohol, or even aspirin, sugar, etc., cannabis is less toxic, as far as we know today. The danger is a myth created by the collusion of racists (anti-mexicans), Oil barons, and drug dealers.

and that many studies show correlation for all sorts of things. Furthermore, these correlations are used selectively when it comes to legislating. For this we have hard evidence: there is much stronger scientific evidence against alcohol and tobacco than cannabis, yet the former are legal while the latter is illegal.

That was the lesson of prohibition of alcohol. Make a safe medication illegal, because the danger of a drug augments by prohibition, like alcohol.

In the UK, Professor David Nutt was sacked from his position as chairman of the government advisory board on the misuse of drugs for analysing scientific evidence and coming to the conclusion that alcohol was more dangerous than ecstasy, LSD and cannabis:


Then, the cultivation of industrial help -- which is not psychoactive -- was also made illegal.

Yes, you can find video of old people confessing having fight for the illegality of the dangerous Mexican killer drug known as marijuana, without having the slighest idea that it was hemp. It was a set up. We have all the detailed informations. Anyone taking the time can look at what happened.

Industrial has a wide range of applications: paper, fabric, building material and cheap protein source, to name a few. It threatens several industries and it is not a narcotic. How do you explain that?

Cannabis has been made illegal about the same day they build the first harvester machines dedicated to hemp. It was a conspiracy against Hemp. We known the name, we know the set- up, we know everything about that. We just ignore it, probably because we fear the other lies (Kennedy, and the way americans and non american get hostages of corporatism who defend special interest, and black market which finance criminals and terrorism.

It is a good news, as bandits always lose power. My hope is that they will be clever enough to abandon it pacifically little bit by little bit, instead of trying to stay in power by force and violence. All lover of the free land should stand against the NDAA, as it allows break in the human rights, which I was told we were fighting for. I can understand such break for a very limited period, in war and crisis, not in any vague indeterminate way.



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