Does this computer architecture assume not-comp? 
15046Synchronized oscillators may allow for computing that works like the 
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   - richard ruquist
   May 15 2:09 PM
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   Synchronized oscillators may allow for computing that works like the 
   brainMay 15, 2014
   [image: oscillating_switch]
   This is a cartoon of an oscillating switch, the basis of a new type of 
   low-power analog computing (credit: Credit: Nikhil Shukla, Penn State)
   Computing is currently based on binary (Boolean) logic, but a new type 
   of computing architecture created by electrical engineers at Penn 
State<> stores 
   information in the frequencies and phases of periodic signals and could 
   work more like the human brain.
   It would use a fraction of the energy necessary for today’s computers, 
   according to the engineers.
   To achieve the new architecture, they used a thin film of vanadium oxide 
   on a titanium dioxide substrate to create an oscillating switch. Vanadium 
   dioxide is called a “wacky oxide” because it transitions from a conducting 
   metal to an insulating semiconductor and vice versa with the addition of a 
   small amount of heat or electrical current.
   *Biological synchronization for associative processing*
   Using a standard electrical engineering trick, Nikhil Shukla, graduate 
   student in electrical engineering, added a series resistor to the oxide 
   device to stabilize oscillations. When he added a second similar 
   oscillating system, he discovered that, over time, the two devices began to 
   oscillate in unison, or synchronize.
   This coupled system could provide the basis for non-Boolean computing. 
   Shukla worked with Suman Datta, professor of electrical engineering, and 
   co-advisor Roman Engel-Herbert, assistant professor of materials science 
   and engineering, Penn State. They reported their results May 14 in 
   Reports* (open access).
   “It’s called a small-world network,” explained Shukla. “You see it in 
   lots of biological systems, such as certain species of fireflies. The males 
   will flash randomly, but then for some unknown reason the flashes 
   synchronize over time.” The brain is also a small-world network of closely 
   clustered nodes that evolved for more efficient information processing.
   “Biological synchronization is everywhere,” added Datta. “We wanted to 
   use it for a different kind of computing called associative processing, 
   which is an analog rather than digital way to compute.”
   An array of oscillators can store patterns — for instance, the color of 
   someone’s hair, their height and skin texture. If a second area of 
   oscillators has the same pattern, they will begin to synchronize, and the 
   degree of match can be read out, without consuming a lot of energy and 
   requiring a lot of transistors, as in Boolean computing.
   *A neuromorphic computer chip*
   Datta is collaborating with Vijay Narayanan, professor of computer 
   science and engineering, Penn State, in exploring the use of these coupled 
   oscillations to solve visual recognition problems more efficiently than 
   existing embedded vision processors.
   Shukla and Datta called on the expertise of Cornell University materials 
   scientist Darrell Schlom to make the vanadium dioxide thin film, which has 
   extremely high quality similar to single crystal silicon. Arijit 
   Raychowdhury, computer engineer, and Abhinav Parihar graduate student, both 
   of Georgia Tech, mathematically simulated the nonlinear dynamics of coupled 
   phase transitions in the vanadium dioxide devices.
   Parihar created a short video simulation of the transitions, which occur 
   at a rate close to a million times per second, to show the way the 
   oscillations synchronize. Venkatraman Gopalan, professor of materials 
   science and engineering, Penn State, used the Advanced Photon Source at 
   Argonne National Laboratory to visually characterize the structural changes 
   occurring in the oxide thin film in the midst of the oscillations.
   Datta believes it will take seven to 10 years to scale up from their 
   current network of two-three coupled oscillators to the 100 million or so 
   closely packed oscillators required to make a neuromorphic computer chip.
   One of the benefits of the novel device is that it will use only about 
   one percent of the energy of digital computing, allowing for new ways to 
   design computers. Much work remains to determine if vanadium dioxide can be 
   integrated into current silicon wafer technology.
   The Office of Naval Research primarily supported this work. The National 
   Science Foundation’s Expeditions in Computing Award also supported this 
   *Abstract of Scientific Reports paper*
   Strongly correlated phases exhibit collective carrier dynamics that if 
   properly harnessed can enable novel functionalities and applications. In 
   this article, we investigate the phenomenon of electrical oscillations in a 
   prototypical MIT system, vanadium dioxide (VO2). We show that the key to 
   such oscillatory behaviour is the ability to induce and stabilize a 
   non-hysteretic and spontaneously reversible phase transition using a 
   negative feedback mechanism. Further, we investigate the synchronization 
   and coupling dynamics of such VO2 based relaxation oscillators and show, 
   via experiment and simulation, that this coupled oscillator system exhibits 
   rich non-linear dynamics including charge oscillations that are 
   synchronized in both frequency and phase. Our approach of harnessing a 
   non-hysteretic reversible phase transition region is applicable to other 
   correlated systems exhibiting metal-insulator transitions and can be a 
   potential candidate for oscillator based non-Boolean computing.
      - Nikhil Shukla et al., Synchronized charge oscillations in 
      correlated electron systems, *Scientific Reports*, 2014, DOI: 
      10.1038/srep04964 (open 

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