On 6/15/2014 3:25 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 9:32 PM, John Mikes <jami...@gmail.com <mailto:jami...@gmail.com>> wrote:


    I am a multilinguist (similar to you I suppose) and consider the word 
'democracy' as
    the rule "Cratos" of "DEMOS". the totality of people. You  (and probably 
    too) mean It
    as a practical political format based on expression of desire by MANY 
(majority -
    called) 'voters'.

John, I agree with your definition. My fear is that democracy cannot be protected from a collapse into a dictatorship of the average, and a misinformed average in the worst case. I would say that it becomes a dictatorship when it starts to legislate on things that it has no ethical basis to legislate on, usually in the guise of fear and "the public interest". Thus the wars on nouns...

    Although it sounds commendable, it also is an  oxymoron:
    not  T W O  people want the same (interest, policy, advantage, style and 
1000 more,
    if you wish) so the 'voting' (hoax) is a compromise about those lies of the
    candidates: which are LESS controversial compromise - as formulated during 

    (It has little impact on the real activities an elected politician will 
abide by


    One thing is for sure: a "MAJORITY" vote implies a subdued MINORITY as a 
rule (in
    the US lately arond close to half and half). Furthermore I see no "so 
    democracy neither in authoritarian (religious, fascistic) systems, nor in 
    'populist' attempts, like the Marxist-base, communist, or socialist (called 
in these
    parts: liberal) systems.


    The CAPITA:ISTIC  (evolved slavery?) variations  are aristocratic/feudal  
at best,
    if not aristocratic/fascistic, ie.  plutocratic. (I call it Global Economic 

This is true of modern global capitalism, no doubt. What do you propose?


You and John Mikes are taking the original, literal meaning of "democracy"; rule by majority vote of the demos (which was not *all* the people, but let that pass). The more modern conception is constitutionally limited government; one in which there is a difficult to modify constitution that limits the scope of government(s) and ensures there scope for individual and community freedoms.

Unfortunately, many in middle-east ignore this last part and take democracy to mean that whoever is in the majority can impose their ideas at every level from foreign relations to what food can be eaten. It is an unfortunate feature of Islam that it doesn't recognize a separation of church and state (and neither did Christianity until it was forced upon it).


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