On 23 Jun 2014, at 05:46, Platonist Guitar Cowboy wrote:

On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 3:59 AM, LizR <lizj...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 23 June 2014 04:51, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
I apply math on the mathematician (the dreamer) like Everett applied physics on the physicians.

I suspect you meant to say physicists. Physicians are doctors :-)

Somebody should start a cipher thread for Bruno's consistent uhm... English typing habits. Been reading this place for too long, I didn't even notice that. Are they recursively enumerable?

Yes. But only when defined at, or below, the (my) correct substitution level. This need comp + some level choice/bet.

Russell mentioned something about Brent referencing quarternions in relation to QM. Can somebody point to or mention the thread/ reference as I missed that?

On that note I wonder if there is any kind of number/algebra beyond the sedenian?

They are but are completely degenerated. Octonions have application in quantum gravitation. Baez wrote interesting papers on that topic. 8 is my favorite divisor of 24! (and I love 24 for his crazy role in the counting of number partition).

I'd guess there isn't much more to "relax" beyond alternative, power associativity, and flexibility properties, right?

From complex to real, you lose nothing and get n solution for all degree n polynomial equation. Some function, like exponentiation and logarithm get multivalued though. From complex to quaternion, you loose commutativity, but that is natural in the quantum context where observable, or heisenberg matrix, don't commute. This gives rise to commutator [AB] - [BA], which have interesting algebra. From quaternion to octonion, you lose associativity, and get associator [(AB)C] - [A(BC)], which again provides quite interesting algebras. But I should revise a bit to be sure not saying something inadequate.

I have not met a convincing use of quaternion in QM per se, but octonion seems to me more indispensable somehow.

Do sedenians find some application in QL still, as the octonians do?

I have not heard of an application of the sedenians.

Not looking for some comprehensive serious response, just curious about types of numbers, algebra, their application etc. PGC

It is a very interesting subject, but quite a large topic. The relation between the natural numbers, and the other numbers, and geometry, is a quite vast and interesting subject.



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