-----Original Message-----
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2014 5:04 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: RE: RE: American Intelligence

Chris, so how will you be able to live with yourself, if, say, you cannot
budge me from my horrible views? Secondly, you are not a US citizen, are
you? How will you control America if you cannot even control, influence, or
browbeat me? Just curious.

Oh... no worries mate I will live just fine... don't over-estimate your own
importance to me or anyone else... I am merely making the point that you are
a war-mongering coward. I don't expect to change you. 
Who cares if I am a US citizen or not? If I was not a US citizen would I
therefore not have the right -- for some strange reason -- to not be calling
you a coward? I am however a US citizen, sorry buddy -- see you have to deal
with me and millions of other US citizens who think people like you are off
their rockers. 
You see things in the optic of "control" -- quite telling actually,
illuminating in fact of your own psychology that you used that particular
term... you see, not everyone sees things the way you see things. Not
everyone seeks to "control" outcomes.
I, usually like to work things out, except when dealing with intolerant
individuals, such as say yourself spudboy. In such cases, since I know
a-priori that there is no working things out I will be right there in your
face and have no interest in even trying to work it out -- you don't operate
on that wavelength spudboy -- you seek to impose your world view and wish to
do so with violent means... you pine for total war A-hole, but are too much
of a coward to go do the fighting yourself.
No, there is no working anything out with individuals such as you, who
portray anyone who does not share their desire for a global conflagration as
being a traitor. Thus I do not even bother; why waste any energy. 
But I will make the point that you are a coward; and have some fun with it.

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