------ Original message------

From: spudboy100 via Everything List

Date: Fri, 7/4/2014 1:27 PM

To: everything-list@googlegroups.com;

Subject:Re: American Intelligence


Its a real threat, and its something that you don't wish to hear about. The flow of power in the US, may indeed go solidly in favor of Mama Clinton as Prez. I am not quite such an optimist as to think otherwise. However, with time and effects, things can turn around for the US. Because of the weakness, a deliberate weakness by your guy, Barry, I suspect some sort of super-attack to happen before 2016, simply based on what went on before. From such an event, I would expect that even your class-compatriots, who take SNAP cards, and super-extended unemployment checks, to have their shit messed with. We shall see if and when this spasm occurs, if at all? If you're so happy with the jihad lands, why not go live there? 


You seem not much more substantial than a string of worn out cliches strung together into a stream of unending vitriol.  

Sometimes I suspect you just might be a bot.
You seem pathologically unable to let go of this neocon inseminated notion that has become rooted in your brain that we are facing an imminent existential threat from a monolithic Islamist unified command – this “Caliphate” you love to bandy about.

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
To: everything-list <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Jul 4, 2014 1:14 pm
Subject: RE: American Intelligence

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com [mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com]
Sent: Friday, July 04, 2014 9:37 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: American Intelligence
I just recognize and sort of respect that other people think differently, then myself. Sometimes, we are offered Manichean choices, rather than indicate that its a personal, American flaw. Its not always an American flaw based on a corrupt, vile, greedy, capitalist system, though in some cases, such as slavery, the war against native Americans, our bigotries, it surely was this. Like, the late George Carlin once said, "The founders signed the Constitution, and then went home and f***ed their slaves." Agreed, yet, only if one is an ideologist, can one blame the US as eviler then normal, then the massacres done by Native Americans against each other, the South Asians, the East Asians, the Europeans, and Africans. Researchers have forensic science applied to archeology to uncover who died and then why? The US has done evil, but then so has everyone else. Leftists today ignore when Muslims massacre each other, because that distracts from the real narrative; the Americans, the Europeans, who are the "true enemy!" Of course 911 was an evil Bushie plot! Because, to say otherwise also detracts from the 'social narrative." Thus, the Islamists become friends, and fellow travelers. 
You seem pathologically unable to let go of this neocon inseminated notion that has become rooted in your brain that we are facing an imminent existential threat from a monolithic Islamist unified command – this “Caliphate” you love to bandy about.
The world is far more nuanced and complex than the Manichean rendition that exists in your brain. When others do not fall into line with your own peculiar ill-informed views you brand them as enemies of America. I would not much care about your disease where it not for how much this unintelligent world view has already cost this country and the countries we trashed in the grips of this particular madness – half a million or more dead Iraqis, thousands of Americans killed (and hundreds of thousands with their lives ruined – by blast wounds -- who will continue to cost our country a river of dollars, in long term medical and social expenditures). An insane neocon sickness that has already burned through a few trillions of dollars that could have been much more wisely invested in more fruitful areas that would have actually made America stronger and more prosperous – and much better prepared to face the future – than it is now.
The only reason I care about your mental affliction is because you suffer from a disease that has already demonstrated how virulent and dangerous it can be. Because of the sickness you suffer this country has been significantly weakened.
It is my patriotic duty (today is the 4rth after all) to see that insane nuts like you are kept from getting back into the corridors of power…. Neocon chickenhawks, sharing your same sick world view have already weakened America far more than any Islamist could have ever dreamed of doing. I – and millions of other Americans – stand in your way… we will not let cowards like you send others off to die.
Go do the dying yourself crusader. No one is stopping you.
Just because you have a pathological need to divide the world into two sides doesn’t mean that the rest of the world suffers your mental handicap; I do not share your Manichean disease; heal thyself.

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
To: everything-list <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Jul 4, 2014 12:04 pm
Subject: RE: American Intelligence
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com [mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com]
Sent: Friday, July 04, 2014 4:07 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: American Intelligence
Your heart beats true, but not for the red white and blue (happy 4th!) and a crusader program (I am non-religious!) is basically developing our own fuel sources, like your solar guys, and use shale gas, and push biofuel development, so as to cut off endless cash supplies to fund the great Jihad. This would also include the Canadian tar sands oil pipeline. No blood for oil as you were wont to yell, under Bushie43, well, this is a way out. Nobody dies, at least from a 7.62mm round. Then, it takes containment, using the ancient George Kenan policy. The Mullahs fire something up, we shoot it down, or catch it in the smuggle if they do that. Even your buddy, Kerry might go for this. If this fails, then we start saying ok, no more nice guy, This is where I do the bloody-minded thing. This is what you object to (as well as everything else apparently), and even Kennedy considered the Cuban 62 conflict, where he considered full invasion of Cuba, at first. His better option was blockade. The agreement for the removal of soviet missiles from Cuber, as Kennedy, pronounced it, All it cost the US was the removal of 3 Jupiter short range missiles from Turkey. Not bad.
So as the old Union song went Chris, "Which side are you on, boy, which side are you on?"
Just because you have a pathological need to divide the world into two sides doesn’t mean that the rest of the world suffers your mental handicap; I do not share your Manichean disease; heal thyself.
Oh I have a heart, brainless one... it is you who are heartless and are demanding we all get on board with your crusader program.
-----Original Message-----
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
To: everything-list <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, Jul 3, 2014 8:31 pm
Subject: Re: RE: American Intelligence

From: spudboy100 via Everything List <everything-list@googlegroups.com>

Sound good, I will go look for a brain, and you can begin your search
for a heart, Mr. Tin man.
Oh I have a heart, brainless one... it is you who are heartless and are demanding we all get on board with your crusader program.
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