On 10/23/2014 12:50 AM, Peter Sas wrote:
Well, I'm not a physicists but a philosopher, so I cannot give a physicist's answer. My approach is to start with the most fundamental question (Why is there anything at all?) and then see how far we can get with pure logic alone. It is of course very, very tricky to try to derive fundamental laws of nature in this way. But I think that we can actually get quite far with such an a priori method. Now with respect to your question, I understand that dark energy is a basically repulsive force driving inflation. I don't want to say I can derive dark energy from a priori principles (that would be absurd). But I think I can derive a duality of attraction and repulsion in that way. The reasoning I emply, however, is very abstract, using ideas taken from philosophers like Hegel and Heidegger, although on the whole I feel more attracted to the rationality of Anglo-American philosophy (and science) than to postmodern philosophy (which I think is basically a fraud). Perhaps my reasoning is closest to German idealists like Hegel and Schelling who still feld they could derive the basic principles of natural science from philosophical principles. So here is how my argument goes in nuce, I hope you can make sense of it:

First I argue that nothing is self-negating (for logical arguments see the blog piece). Simply put: nothing is nothing to such a degree that it isn't even itself! Thus, as nothing negates itself, it produces being, it becomes something.

I like that.  It' just what my friend Norm Levitt used to say, paraphrasing 

"What is there?  Everything! So what isn't there?  Nothing!"

Now, since nothing is different from itself, being (as the negation of nothing) must be different from something else. This then is how I define being: as difference from something else. Now it is easy to see that this difference must take two forms. First, being is being because it differs from non-being or nothing (let's call this ontological difference, following Heidegger). Second, being must also be internally differentiated, that is to say: there must be multiple beings differing from each other (let's call this ontic difference). Then we can say: a being is what it is because of its ontic difference from other beings. (Ultimately, I think, this imlies that beings are mathematical, for lacking intrinsic qualities of their own,

Why must they lack intrinsic qualities? It seems you are assuming that ontological difference implies multiplicity and the integers. But what if the something is the universal wave function (as it is in some theories) which is defined over a complex Hilbert space? Parts are differentiated by their relation to other parts, but there is no definitive way to divide it up. Rovelli characterizes it as relations without relata.

they canly be distinguished in quantitative ways, such that it is their position in a quantitative structure which determines what they are.) Now we can say: the source (or cause) of what beings are is (ontic) difference. This difference, then, must precede them, just as any origin must precede the originated (at least logically, if not temporally). But what is this difference that precedes the different beings? It's like a relation that generates its own relata. Thus we must postulate something like a pure difference or a pure negativity underlying the mutual non-identity of beings. But what is this pure negativity? It seems clear to me that we are now back with our starting point, the concept of nothing as differing from itself. And this is not surprising if the self-negating nothing generates all beings, for then it must also act as the pure negativity that differentiates beings. But now comes the rub: there is a contradiction between ontological and ontic difference. Recall: ontological difference requires that beings differ from nothing (i.e. pure negativity), whereas ontic difference requires that there is pure negativity between them. Hence: to have existence (i.e. ontological difference) beings must stand in a negative relation to the negativity between them, they must differ from their mutual difference. But to differ from their mutual difference, beings must become the same and loose their separate identities.

I don't see how that follows. You and I both differ from Bruno, but that doesn't entail that you can I are the same person.

Hence there is a contradiction between identity and existence, i.e. between the determinacy of beings (ontic difference) and their existence (ontological difference): in short, existence is unifying, determinacy is separating. Now given the fact that being must be logically consistent, we must interpret this contradiction not as logical but as an opposition of forces.

"Forces" opposing one another (are we to assume metaphysical equilibrium) seems more metaphorical than logical.


Thus existence becomes a unifying force, determinacy (ontic difference) becomes a separating force. The separating force must manifest itself as repulsion, i.e. as resistance against unification. The unifying force must manifest itself as resistance against repulsion, i.e. as attraction. Hence repulsion and attraction are the basic forces that govern being.

I spelled out this argument in more detail on another blog piece I wrote: http://critique-of-pure-interest.blogspot.nl/2014/06/theses-towards-dialectical-ontology_8246.html So if you want more detail, please check this piece. I have to emphasize, however, that I am still working on these ideas and that I hope to publish a fuller account on my blog in the near future.


Op woensdag 22 oktober 2014 15:46:16 UTC+2 schreef yanniru:


    Could you elaborate on how Dark Energy fits into your thesis?

    On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 4:33 AM, Peter Sas <peterj...@gmail.com 
<javascript:>> wrote:

        Hi guys,

        Here is a blog piece I wrote about nothing as the ultimate source of 


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