On 2/26/2015 3:21 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 26 Feb 2015, at 05:36, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/25/2015 7:11 PM, Jason Resch wrote:

On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 5:28 AM, Bruce Kellett <bhkell...@optusnet.com.au <mailto:bhkell...@optusnet.com.au>> wrote:

    Bruno Marchal wrote:

        On 24 Feb 2015, at 22:52, Bruce Kellett wrote:

            MWI simply formalizes the fact that such data are "in-principle 

        Well, usually we say that the SWE formalizes that fact, and that the MWI
        interpret this in term of many world. But I am OK with your statement, 
as SWE
        implies formally the MWI,

    Statements like this are gaining in currency these days, but this is 
    false. The SWE operating on vectors in Hilbert space does not formally 
imply the
    MWI. All that the formalism implies is the existence of superpositions.
    Schroedinger realized this very early on, hence his example of the cat 
being in a
    superposition of dead and alive states. Schroedinger thought this was 
    a reductio ad absurdum for the wave equation.

I'm not so sure. I think he was more attacking the role of the observer in creating reality. We see Einstein affirm this in a letter to Schrodinger:

    Einstein was most impressed with Schrödinger's paper, and in 1950 wrote
    Schrödinger a letter of praise, saying “You are the only contemporary 
    besides Laue, who sees that one cannot get around the assumption of 
reality, if
    only one is honest. Most of them simply do not see what sort of risky game 
    are playing with reality—reality as something independent of what is
    experimentally established. Their interpretation is, however, refuted most
    elegantly by your system of radioactive atom + amplifier + charge of 
gunpowder +
    cat in a box, in which the psi-function of the system contains both the cat 
    and blown to bits. Nobody really doubts that the presence or absence of the 
cat is
    something independent of the act of observation.”

Further, we see that later in his life, Schrodinger began to take his theory (and the reality of the super position) more seriously:

    “Schrödinger also”, David Deutsch notes, “had the basic idea of parallel 
    shortly before Everett, but he didn't publish it. He mentioned it in a 
lecture in
    Dublin, in which he predicted that the audience would think he was crazy. 
    that a strange assertion coming from a Nobel Prize winner—that he feared 
    considered crazy for claiming that his equation, the one that he won the 
    Prize for, might be true.”

    In order to get MWI one has to add a lot more superstructure. In particular 
    has to solve the basis problem and give a plausible account of the meaning 
    probabilities in a theory in which every possible result actually occurs. 
Both of
    these areas are still matters of substantial debate.

Tegmark shows in a large enough world, even under something like the CI, you can't escape "all possibilities being realized", so you're faced with the same probability "problem" whether you think the wave function collapses or not: http://arxiv.org/abs/1008.1066

    We study the quantum measurement problem in the context of an infinite,
    statistically uniform space, as could be generated by eternal inflation. It 
    recently been argued that when identical copies of a quantum measurement 
    exist, the standard projection operators and Born rule method for 
    probabilities must be supplemented by estimates of relative frequencies of
    observers. We argue that an infinite space actually renders the Born rule
    redundant, by physically realizing all outcomes of a quantum measurement in
    different regions, with relative frequencies given by the square of the wave
    function amplitudes.

        if we define world by a structure of events close for interaction. 
Then, using
        the FPI, we have a dterlministic and local account of why the data 
appears for
        the observer first person (plural) point of view as  unknowable, 
        and non local.

    Maybe the data appear indeterministic and unpredictable in principle 
because they
    really are that way -- the world is governed by probabilistic laws. We don't
    actually need all the superstructure of MWI.

What do you find more appealing, elegant, and historically more likely to be 
1. A large number of objects implied to exist by a simpler theory
2. A small or singular number of objects as described by a more complex theory
MW is just what's left over when you dispense with the ill-conceived and ill-defined notion of collapse: the only phenomenon in all science that's not time-symmetric, not time-reversible, nonlinear, discontinuous, non-deterministic, non-local, and observer dependent. I'll take the many worlds before I take that.

But without solving the measure and basis problem, MWI doesn't predict anything - or more accurately, it predicts everything.

MWI predicts the same as QM+collapse.

Only because it assumes the Born rule applies to give a probability interpretation to the density matrix. But Everettista's either ignore the need for the Born rule or they suppose it can be derived from the SWE (although all attempts have fallen short).

It is just that MWI dispense with magic. It is local, deterministic, realist (even if multi-realist).

It simply pretends to dispense with collapse while sneaking in its equivalent in order to use the Born rule.

It uses only the comp FPI, or variant. It is consciousness selection, with relative measure.

But it assumes the Born rule provides the relative measure - which is more than just the SWE. You can solve the problem of branch counting by assuming infinitely many parallel worlds - but then that raises the problem of defining "probability".

It is radically non-local.

It appears to be so in each branches, but is not when you look at all branches partition, and this in any base. Paper showing that MWI is non local adds metaphysical baggage which is not in QM, nor in Everett.

There are plenty of phenomenon in science that are non-linear.

Not in the reality, if the reality is described by quantum mechanics.

But QM is inconsistent with GR - so it is not a given that QM is completely 

But non linearity appearance is explained from inside + ignorance of the other 

Computationalism is also discontinuous.

It depends of the topology. Computation = continuous with the relevant toplogies of computer science. It is only discontinuous in topology of reals, which is another subject.

The complaint was that wave function collapse is the only discontinuous process in physics. But if you define different topologies then it too is continuous in epistemological space (c.f. quantum bayesianism).


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