On 3/1/2015 3:55 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote:
meekerdb wrote:
On 3/1/2015 2:18 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote:

The basis problem is even more severe. If observables are interpreted as hermitian operators in Hilbert space, the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues depend on the basis chosen for that space. The SWE contains observables (operators) such as position, energy and momentum and so on. What bases do we choose for these operators? The default, that no one ever questions (to the extent that I doubt that many people realize that it is an arbitrary choice) is that the eigenvalues of the position operator are values along the real line and the eigenfunctions are delta functions of reals. In any other basis, position eigenvalues would be superpositions of these reals, and the eigenfunctions would be quite different. Why do we unquestioningly accept the basis commonly used?

In large part it's because we can't produce instruments that implement other hermitian operators. The number of possible hermitian operators for a system is enormous - but we only ever write down handful. Why? Because those are only ones we know how to realize by a physical instrument. Peres discusses this in Ch 11 in the context of classically chaotic systems. The quantum version of those systems are not chaotic - but they have eigenstates that are very complicated in the usual bases we can measure. However, he notes that sometimes the experimentalist is more clever than the we suppose and thinks of a way to measure something theorists had not anticipated. He gives the example of spin-echo measurements.

I have not read Peres' book, and looking at Amazon, it is not cheap!

Not cheap???  It's FREE!

However, I think you are right that it is a matter of the actual measurements we can make. All this seems to point back to Bohr's original insight that we can't begin with quantum mechanics without a classical world as the background. The instruments we make to perform the measurements we want are irreducibly classical. State preparation is a classical operation for exactly the same reasons.

Bohm discusses this in the final chapter of his book on quantum theory. He says: "This means that without an appeal to a classical level, quantum theory would have no meaning. We conclude then that quantum theory presupposes the classical level and the general correctness of classical concepts in describing this level; /it does not deduce classical concepts as limiting cases of quantum concepts./" (Emphasis in the original.) He says later: "As we go from small scale to large scale level, new (classical) properties then appear which cannot be deduced from the quantum description in terms of the wave function alone, but which must nevertheless be consistent with this quantum description." "Quantum theory presupposes a classical level and the correctness of classical concepts in describing this level. The classically definite aspects of large-scale systems cannot be deduced from the quantum-mechanical relationships of assumed small-scale elements."

This is essentially Bohr's insight into the relation between classical and 
quantum concepts.

Which is not to say we shouldn't try to derive the classical from the quantum as more fundamental - but we shouldn't assume "It must be so because that would be so satisfying."


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