From: spudboy100 via Everything List <>
 Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 4:40 PM
 Subject: Re: Are all terrorrists Muslim? Not even close!
In his long rambling manifesto he spoke -- much like you do in fact Mitch, of a 
clash of civilizations, and he saw himself as a defender of a Christian, Aryan 
Norway, being overrun by brown people. I am just going by his own stated 
motives, not your reinterpretation of what they must have been. The actual 
crime stats speak of a different story most terrorist attacks, by far-- in 
terms of numbers of incidences, but also in terms of overall damage, injury and 
death,  in the US and in the EU are not being perpetrated by Islamicists, but 
by other kinds of extremists, including many various separatist 
movements.Hindus and Buddhists and Jews and Christians as well are committing 
acts of terror; however in the Western press these rarely get reported as such; 
most often the reports speak of a disturbed or deranged person, with no mention 
of the fact that their derangement was centered in their Christian 
(Nationalist) or other beliefs.If you added up all the people who died as a 
result of terrorist acts over the last 50 years do you think it would even come 
close to the number of just Americans who get violently murdered each and every 
single year?In the year 2013 you were more likely to die as the result of being 
man slaughtered by a toddler with a gun in this country than you were likely to 
get murdered by a terrorist.I am trying to put all this brouhaha into some kind 
of perspective. It is so far down the stack of imminent threats this world 
actually faces; kind of makes you wonder why it gets so much attention and is 
presented as being our most pressing problem. What's the agenda? And whose 
agenda is it?

We have here a case of selective memory. Brevik was indeed a Nazi (no surprise 
there) but you do notice that all his victims were Norwegian socialists? His 
motive was revenge against his fellow countrymen, not Muslims living in Norway, 
which he could have easily attacked. It's impossible to truly see Brevik as a 
church goer, even in the Nazi WW2 German Lutheran style.  You forget the 
Islamist attacks in Madrid 2004 which killed 191 and the subway attack in 
London which killed, and 52 dead in the London tube attacks. If Hindus were 
committing mass murder all over the world, we'd be talking about them instead 
of believers in Muhammad. It's purely practical to focus on the Islamists and 
there's no easy resolution to this war (which it is). I can bring up the London 
beheading, and hundreds of other jihad attack. In the 70's I could have pointed 
out the IRA, Red Army Fraction, Bader Meinhoff types, or the Chilean military 
bombing in DC. The Islamists are super well funded and are motivated by a 
promise of eternity.   

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Wed, Apr 1, 2015 1:20 pm
Subject: RE: Are all terrorrists Muslim? Not even close!

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.yiv5779553059aolReplacedBody div.yiv5779553059WordSection1 {}      From: [] On 
Behalf Of Alberto G. Corona 
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 1:53 AM
To: everything-list
Subject: Re: Are all terrorrists Muslim? Not even close!    All these movements 
are in the orbit of Cuba and Venezuela as well as with ties with islamism. The 
basque terrorists in the 70s trained together with the Palestinian terrorists 
LPO  (in the valley of the Becca) and with argelian communists.      Please be 
informed.    Was the right-wing Christian fanatic Norwegian terrorist Anders 
who mass murdered (77 people injuring hundreds more) scores of Norwegians in a 
car bomb, followed by a cold blooded execution style gunning down of unarmed 
teenagers in 2011, and who acted in the name of his Christian supremacist 
ideology also --- covertly somehow also an Islamic terrorist?  Was the train 
station bombing in Bologna Italy, which along with the afore mentioned 
Norwegian act of mass terrorism ranks as Europes worst post WWII act of 
terrorism, was that act perpetrated by Islamicists (or was it rather 
perpetrated by shadowy groups linked to the P2 lodge and to Operation Gladio?)  
 Inform yourself, yourself!  The two single largest acts of terrorism in post 
WWII Europe both committed by far right (and in the case of the Bologna bombing 
also implicating a shadowy paramilitary organization called Operation Gladio).  
 In the US, was Timothy McVeigh also a crypto Muslim of sorts? Or was that mass 
murder act of terrorism also driven by an extremist right wing ideology?   Me 
thinks, it is rather more yourself that needs to inform themselves, seminarian. 
Chris       In the other side nobody says that all the terrorists are Muslims. 
You both may be a little off of reality guys. What children literature do you 
read?.        There are alaso a great number of extreme left terrorist that has 
diminished since the defeat of the USSR. But there remain a lot of nostalgics 
of that era that populate the centers of power. And even the discussion lists.  
     2015-04-01 0:06 GMT+02:00 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List 
<>:            From: John Clark 
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: Are all terrorrists Muslim? Not even close!         On Tue, Mar 
31, 2015  'Chris de Morsella' wrote:    
 > “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims.” How many 
 > times have you heard that one?  
  > Why don’t we see Christian, Buddhist, or Jewish terrorists? 
      We do. Religion poisons everything.       No argument form me on that 
point. However a really surprising quantity of terrorist acts (at least in 
Europe)  are from one of the many separatist militant groups operating in that 
continent, in such places such as Corsica, the Basque regions etc. Places that 
have become folded into one nation state or another with which they do not much 
get along.   Chris         John K Clark              -- 
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