On 27 April 2015 at 07:43, Bruce Kellett <bhkell...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:

That all relies too much on the assumption that comp is true

At the risk of pointing out the stunningly obvious, *everything* in Bruno's
argument is premised on the truth of the comp thesis, summarised in the
claim that consciousness is invariant for a purely digital transformation
(at some level). In practice this postulate is widely accepted, even though
in many if not most cases neither the assumption nor its possible
consequences are made completely explicit, as Bruno is striving to do.

Of course there is no compulsion to accept the premise, but once it is
adopted, even hypothetically, the onus is on the challenger (Bruno
included) to reveal some flaw in the derivation, e.g. an invalid inference
or contradiction. That some of the consequences may be counter-intuitive
does not of itself invalidate the premise. On the other hand, if you reject
it at the outset, there is little further to be said.


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