It is boring to discuss with nominalist, because you can not discuss
anything but facts,  Look at the philosophical and theological
considerations of my first comment here, that I consider crucial to
understand and discuss and look at the boring and uninteresting details
that I´m forced to discuss now.....

And when "facts" are nothing but manipulated falsehoods. Not by your fault
but due to disinformation from third party interests,  then it is loss of
time. but anyway.

I dont care if you are right or left. I care bout the truth. Falsehood is
irritating but nonsense is comic. For example:

. The Turks.... were also nominal capitalists and did massacre even when
> losing Armenian customers.

is really really comic

>  , The Spaniards and Portuguese were responsible for millions of deaths
> in the New World, and they were capitalist and very religious. These were
> children of the inquisition who were also charmers.

The immense majority were due to new diseases. The same diseases that
decimated Europe  few decades before plus some others that were common in
europe but new for the indians,

Concerning the Congo, I repeat what I said. Concerning Inquisition, it is a
myth. In a single "normal" day the French revolutionaries killed more than
the inquisition in Spain in all his history. See for example this:

Thus said, to kill and be killed is something that every country has done.
Except, of course the archipielago idiot. the nation of progressive
good-for-nothings of every nation, whose history start every morning. They
live in the supermarket of History, and they bough all the pieces of
goodness and brightness of humanity for themselves and for their
progressive lego.  The rest of us have to share the bad episodes.

>  That the turks that massacred the armenians were capitalists and because
> that they killed a million armenians is the highest piece of idiocy that I
> have ever seen (sorry man) They were muslims that wanted to restore the
> caliphate. They killed armenians because it was the only christian minority
> without support in the West.
>   The supposed belgian massacres were poscolonial, and the book that
> denounce the massacres during the colonial period was done by someone that
> worked for the URSS, that wanted to invade all the western ex-colonies with
> comunists puppets directly managed by Stalinist delegates, and they did
> it.
>  The supposed masacres of black people in the south where do you find
> your sources?.
>   You are still poisoned by cold war propaganda. specially the ones that
> have passed trough the highly corrupt universities.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alberto G. Corona <>
> To: everything-list <>
> Sent: Tue, Apr 28, 2015 12:45 pm
> Subject: Re: God
>  That the turks that massacred the armenians were capitalists and because
> that they killed a million armenians is the highest piece of idiocy that I
> have ever seen (sorry man) They were muslims that wanted to restore the
> caliphate. They killed armenians because it was the only christian minority
> without support in the West.
>   The supposed belgian massacres were poscolonial, and the book that
> denounce the massacres during the colonial period was done by someone that
> worked for the URSS, that wanted to invade all the western ex-colonies with
> comunists puppets directly managed by Stalinist delegates, and they did
> it.
>  The supposed masacres of black people in the south where do you find
> your sources?.
>   You are still poisoned by cold war propaganda. specially the ones that
> have passed trough the highly corrupt universities.
>  2015-04-28 16:05 GMT+02:00 spudboy100 via Everything List <
>>  Atheists can do evil, and so can religious capitalists-at least if we
>> look at history over the last 400 years. It's not that people were not like
>> this for thousands of years. It's merely that atheists identified and still
>> identify with Marxist principles, if only to irrigate the straight
>> majority. For instance, in the US, most gays don't acknowledge the
>> terrorist jihad that indeed targets them as a group under sharia law, and
>> choose to remain absolutely silent even though hundreds of gays from the
>> middle east have been slaughtered by various jihadist government. Why? My
>> guess is partly out of loyalty to communist principles and politics (again
>> to irritate, or out of spite). Part of this loyalty is also to atheism,
>> because the old books were condemnatory of homosexuality. Old hurts
>> sometimes over stay their practicality.* The capitalists who ran Belgian
>> before WW1 killed millions in the Congo. The old Turks were nominally
>> capitalist, massacred the Armenians, the Southern Whites and their love
>> affair with slavery must have killed millions, over 2 or 3 centuries? They
>> were religious and they were capitalists. But, it is important to note that
>> during the 20th century the grand prize for mass murder must go to the
>> communists who were very serious atheists. Let's say, conservatively, 55
>> million killed during the 20th century.
>>  What's this say about our species? Nothing good. What's a good way out?
>> One way to think about this is to take our civilization more seriously
>> (liberals do not!) and focus on making internal and external wins.
>> Discussing this would take a lot of brain-work, and this is only worth
>> doing if we can agree on goals. If anyone disagrees with the premise, then
>> its a closed door. If all is good, then one is likely a happy liberal
>> (neocommunism), and all is well.
>>  Mitch
>>  * One exception to this mind set are the Gay Patriots, who take umbrage,
>> at Sharia practioners, murdering  their fellow gays in the middle east. A
>> tiny spot of rationality there.
>>  -----Original Message-----
>> From: Alberto G. Corona <>
>> To: everything-list <>
>> Sent: Tue, Apr 28, 2015 4:17 am
>> Subject: Re: God
>>  Some atheists believe unconsciously (because their faith is not fully
>> developped and conscious, and they avoid thinking about it in every way
>> possible, in the same way that primitive people) in inmutable phisical laws
>> like quantuum mechanics or Relativity in the same way that 100 years ago
>> they believed in Newtonian Phisics. Now some believe in Math and the
>> multiverse. Others simply drink, practice extreme sports and suicide
>> themselves.
>>   Is'nt that anything more that an uncreated principle that gives
>> existence to everything else?  Yes. Isn't that search for an ultimate
>> equation, law, explanatory principle anything more than the monotheist
>> mindset trying to lie himself?
>>  What these  son called "atheists" are after? They are shameful deists
>> that have depersonalized even more the deist's god. And what the deists of
>> all times are after?  To deny the moral dimension of God  and thus the
>> moral dimensions of human beings, his limitations, his fallen nature. They
>> need to deny the existence of the mere notion of human nature, the concept
>> of person.
>>  As Sophocles said. "there are many mysteries in the universe, but the
>> highest mystery is the human being"
>>  And why this denial? because they want the power to treat human beings
>> as cattle, to destroy and create ad their will. In small scale, to hurt
>> others without any self remorse, to prosecute their individualistic life
>> treating others as objects for his own satisfaction, even when they are
>> altruists, the others are numbers in a score table of points in the
>> olimpiades of self-righteousness and self sanctification. We praise our
>> Atheists overlords . Please eat our children. Amen.
>>  2015-04-27 21:05 GMT+02:00 meekerdb <>:
>>>  On 4/27/2015 6:58 AM, Jason Resch wrote:
>>> On Monday, April 27, 2015, Dennis Ochei <>
>>> wrote:
>>> > I tend to agree that the word God has way too much baggage. I feel
>>> like it's used to induce a fictitious sense of agreement. If you said
>>> you believed in God, no one would think you were referring to the material
>>> universe or arithmetic. You would be performing an act of deception on
>>> them.
>>> It would be good to clarify, but arithmetical truth is infinite,
>>> incomprehensible,
>>> Wrong, it's comprehensible within bigger systems.
>>>  uncreated,
>>> Maybe.  Maybe not.
>>>  immutable,
>>> Meaningless.  That's like saying "red" is immutable because it always
>>> means red.
>>>  omnipresent,
>>> Or it's only present when you think of it.
>>>  transcendent,
>>> Mystification.
>>>  the source of reality and consciousness,
>>> That's what YOU say.
>>>  etc. If you ask a Christian, Sikh, Hindu and Platonist if they believe
>>> in God and they all say yes, is the Platonist being any more deceptive than
>>> any other, when they each hold different ideas in their head?
>>> No, which exactly why no serious person should apply the term "God" to
>>> anything - unless of course they want to stir up religious fervor and
>>> create a pogrom, crusade, holocaust, jihad, or theocracy.
>>> Brent
>>> Peter: What would you say if I told you there was Master of all we see,
>>> a Creator of the universe, who watches and judges everything we do.
>>> Curls: I'd say you were about to take up a collection.
>>>     --- Johnny Hart, in B.C.
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