On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:56 AM, John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015  Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Maybe all true statements exist is some sort of abstract Platonic
>>> world, but even if they do I'm not sure that would be very important
>>> because all false statements would exist in that very same world,
>> >We're not talking of the existence of statements, but the existence of
>> truths.
> Truths are not the only thing that exists, falsehoods exist too and there
> are many more falsehoods than truths because there are many ways to be
> wrong but only one way to be right. And Godel proved that there is no
> mathematical procedure that can put all the truths in one set and all the
> falsehoods in another. You can find mathematical procedures that allow you
> to put some truths in the true set and you can find mathematical procedures
> that allow you to put some falsehoods in the false set, but Turing proved
> that in general there is no way to know if any given statement has such a
> procedure or not, all you can do is keep trying and you might be trying
> forever.  Even mathematics doesn't know if some statements are true or not,
> so if there is a Platonic world that contains only true statements and no
> false ones the separation must have been done by something other than
> mathematics and therefore mathematics can not be fundamental.
>> > If program P is a brain emulation of John Clark then you might even say
>> that facts about John's thoughts and (perhaps even conscious perceptions)
>> are mathematical facts, existing as a consequence of self-existant
>> arithmetical truth.
> Arithmetical truth remains arithmetical truth even when I'm under
> anesthesia, so why doesn't my consciousness exist when I'm under
> anesthesia?

Your consciousness always exists in all the places it exists. In past and
future points in time, in other branches of the wave function, etc. Just
because the you-here-now isn't aware of them in the you-elsewhere doesn't
mean the you-elsewhere's consciousness has stopped or is not existing.

> > I agree there is an analogy between discovering and inventing when it
>> comes to computations and mathematical truth. Given Godel, I think the only
>> consistent view is that mathematical truth (which includes computation) is
>> discovered.
> It could be that parts of the language of mathematics are discovered and
> other parts are invented, just as a scientific paper can be written in the
> language of English but so can a Harry Potter novel. I'm not saying that is
> the case I'm just saying maybe.
>> > Physics might be necessary for humans to discover and talk about
>> mathematical concepts,
> And physics is required to make the concept of "explanation" be
> meaningful, and perhaps for "meaningful" to be meaningful too.
>> > but physics can't make the 9th Mersenne Prime "2305843009213693951" and
>> not some other number.
> Integers involve counting and the 9th Mersenne Prime is an integer, but if
> physics did not exist and there was nothing to count not even ONE thing,
> and there was nothing around to do any counting even if there were
> something to count, would the very idea of number mean anything?
> > computationalism can explain all possible observations since all
>> possible computations exist assuming arithmetical realism.
> We're far from having solved all the problems in physics so it's very
> premature to say that mathematics can explain, much less create, all of it.

I said it can explain all possible observations, since all possible
computations exist in arithmetic, and by computationalism, all possible
observations (conscious states) can be produced by the appropriate


> Let me make it clear that I'm playing devil's advocate here, maybe
> mathematics really is fundamental but what I object to is the dogmatic
> assertion that we already know for certain that it is.
> > Since you can say 2 + 2 = 4, and always has
> Actually 2 + 2 = 5 for extremely large values of 2.   :>)
>   John K Clark
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