On 6 June 2015 at 11:26, Bruce Kellett <bhkell...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:

> LizR wrote:
>> This is true if events have an existence apart from maths. However, that
>> is still being debated. Tegmark's "mathematical universe hypothesis"
>> suggests that time and events are emergent from an underlying timeless
>> mathematical structure.
>> To take something that is (hopefully) less contentious, the block
>> universe of special relativity already suggests something similar to this.
>> In relativity, all chains of events are embedded in a space-time manifold,
>> and hence causation comes down to how world-lines are arranged within this
>> structure.
> This is not true. Causality is still a fundamental consideration in SR,
> and that carries over into the basic structure of quantum field theory.
> Even within the block universe model, the light cone structure of spacetime
> is fundamental. The light cone encapsulates the fundamental insight of SR
> that causal influences cannot propagate faster than the speed of light --
> the light cone is the limiting extent of causal structure. The laws of
> physics consistent with this structure in SR and beyond are have a (local)
> Lorentz symmetry, which preserves the causal structure between different
> Lorentz frames. The distinction between time-like and space-like
> separations of events is aa fundamental tenet of physical law.
> None of this contradicts what I said. All I am concerned with is that SR
indicates that events are embedded in a 4D continuum. Describing how
they're embedded doesn't change that.

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