Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 09 Jun 2015, at 15:11, Bruce Kellett wrote:

You appear to want to draw this conclusion from FPI. But in a discussion with Liz a while back, I challenged this interpretation of your teleportation thought experiments leading to FPI. It was readily shown that such thought experiments were completely orthogonal to quantum mechanics and the MWI.

No, You stopped at step 4 (which is already better than John Clark). You need AUDA to get the math of the FPI, and to compare it to physics.

We have answered this, but you come back again on what has already been explained in detail: please reread the posts.

As I recall the discussion, you agreed that FPI in the teleportation experiments had nothing to do with MWI of quantum mechanics. You said that you had only ever raised MWI as an illustration to help those who were familiar with Everettian quantum mechanics to understand the concept of FPI. FPI in the teleportation scenarios, and later in the UDA, have nothing to do with the MWI of quantum mechanics, and one cannot be used to support or justify the other.

Similarly for your attempt to bring quantum logic to your cause. Quantum logic was devised by von Neumann in the context of the collapse interpretation of QM, together with the use of projection operators. In Everettian many-worlds interpretations, there are no projection operators, and quantum logic does not have a footing. In fact, it has been pointed out that there is no such thing as a specifically "quantum" logic -- there is just ordinary predicate logic and a theory in which some operators do not commute. When you can derive the non-commutation of the position and momentum operators from comp, I might be a little more impressed.

UDA formulates the problem, and by the way, the non-commutation of some observable is already proved.

OK. For what set of quantum operators have you demonstrated non-commutation?

Of course position and momentum are not yet derived, and it is not clear if they will be derived.

If they are not, comp fails a crucial test....


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