On 26 Sep 2015, at 23:36, John Clark wrote:

On Sat, Sep 26, 2015  Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
​>>​Paul Cohen not Godel proved that arithmetical reality is independent of the​ ​Axiom of Choice

​> ​I don't think so. The independence of arithmetic from AC in ZF follows from Gödel's proof that V=L -> AC. A model of ZF where all sets are "constructible" (V = L) verifies the choice axiom

​If a axiom has been verified, that is to say if it can be derived from other axioms,

I meant verified in a model, not prove in a theory. If a proposition is verified in a model, its negation can still be verified in another model. That proves only the consistency of the proposition.

then it no longer needs to be a axiom and is just the result of more fundamental axioms. ​Paul Cohen​ proved that ​AC can not be derived from ZF.​

​>>​Godel proved that if you assume that AC is true ZF will produce no contradictions, 25 years later Paul Cohen​ proved that if you assume AC is false ZF will STILL not produce any contradictions, and so ​AC must be independent of ZF and can not be derived from ZF.

​> ​Yes, but this has nothing to do with what I am saying. The fact that the arithmetical truth is independent of the choice axiom

​Then a lot of stuff that mathematicians think is true is not true, or at least can't be proven to be part of "arithmetical truth​ "​​ because the Axiom of Choice is needed to prove them. ​

The constructible set of Gödel can be use to show that ZF and ZFC proves the same arithmetical theorems. But of course richer theory can prove more theorem. ZF proves much more than PA, and ZF+kappa proves much more (purely arithmetical) proposition than ZF. It is inexhaustible. No axiomatisable theory at all proves all arithmetical propositions. Arithmetical truth is just not axiomatizable. That follows from Gödel's incompleteness or from theorem by Skolem, etc.

​> ​can be seen as a corollary of Gödel's proof that AC is consistent with ZF,

​Godel proved in 1938 that AC was consistent with ​ZF but for all Godel knew The Axiom of Choice could be derived from Zermelo- Fraenkel; and that is in fact what Godel believed at the time and what most mathematicians thought,​ ​even Paul Cohen thought so and was as surprised as anyone when he found in 1963 that the negation of AC was consistent with ZF too and thus independent of ZF.
​>​>>​ ​Physics is a theory about a possible physical reality

​​>> ​I know. So if ​physical reality​ is ZFC ( a big "if" I admit but it could be) then ​physical reality has something that arithmetic derived from just ZF does not have.

​>> ​"physical reality is ZFC" means nothing to me.

​Physical reality is ​Zermelo-Fraenkel​ plus the Axiom of Choice, ​"arithmetical truth​"​​ is just Zermelo-Fraenkel​.

This is a bit of non-sense. ZF see only a fragment of the arithmetical truth, and "physical reality" is a god in which I tend to be rather skeptical about. I can explain why it makes no sense once we postulate computationalisme, but you need to grasp the UD argument step 3 to get this.

I'm not saying it's true, I'm just saying that's what it means; it might be wrong but it's not gibberish.

​> ​Anyway, I do not assume that there is a physical reality.

Hmm. Margaret Fuller once said "I accept the universe" to which Thomas Carlyle replied "Gad, ​you​'d better".​ ​Unlike you at leas Fuller accepted the universe,​ I wonder what Carlyle would say to you.​

I believe in a physical reality, but not in one that we have to assume. I can prove that physicalism is meaningless once we bet the physical brain can be emulated by a physical Turing machine.

​>> ​And yet despite repeated requests you are unable or unwilling to explain why you can't start the​ ​Tiny​ ​Sigma_1 Computer Hardware Corporation and become the richest man on the planet.

​> ​N​​ot at all. I think you don't read the answer. The answer, I repeat again, is that to build an hardware corporation I need hardware

​Yes perfectly true, you need physical hardware. But my question is WHY? The only answer can be that physical hardware has something that "arithmetical truth" does not.

Then you artificial brain is not Turing emulable, and computationalism is false.

We may not be certain what that something is but the fact that computer hardware companies have non zero manufacturing costs is proof that one has something the other does not.

No, because that relative cost exost also in arithmetic reelatively to the people emulated in arithmetic. There too some John Clark pretends there is a physical universe, and we know he is wrong, even when it hits on the table and say "looks that is hardware".

​> ​and I need to implement the universal machine in that hardware.

​Yes exactly you need to implement it, but to ​implement it mathematics needs help, it needs physics!

We agree on this, but that is not a proof that hardware exist, nor that we have top assume it to explain it.

​> ​to have a computation running, I need only arithmetic.

​But it is a fact that to have a successful company that provides answers to arithmetical problems arithmetic is NOT all you need. ​

​> ​Numbers ==> computations ==> dreams ===> physical reality ===> physical computation ===> hardware company

​OK, but the hardware company certainly has ​access to numbers so why doesn't INTEL just make calculations directly and forget about all that unnecessary and expensive messing around with silicon?

Because if we want to share computations, we need to implement them in the first person plural reality that we share to begin with. but that reality is itself emerging from infinitely many computations in arithmetic (if comp is true, and my derivation is correct).

​>> ​You can't explain it but I can, you can't do it because a physical silicone microprocessor chip has something that Robinson arithmetic​ ​and "the tiny sigma_1 part of the arithmetical truth"​ ​lacks.

​> ​Yes, that is right. But that things which is lacking is an illusion,

​An Illusion is a perfectly respectable subjective phenomenon, and so is consciousness; so you're saying that subjective phenomenon​ ​is the thing that that matter that obeys the laws of physics can create that arithmetical truth can not create.

I cannot parse this sentence.

Well maybe, arithmetical truth​ is certainly lacking something that physics has.​

That is a theorem in machine's theology.

You need to understand that incompleteness makes the following modalities (poits of view) being extensionnaly equivalent (they all see the same (recursively enumarable) part of the arithmetical truth "at each instant"), yet they obey quite different logics, yet all emulable by the logic G, at the propositional level).

p (arithmetical truth (at first, later replaced by the sigma_1 arithmetical truth). The simple neoplatonist God, or One, easily associable when we assume computationalism, the believe that a right computations can makes it possible for a first person to manifest itself in the usual relative way.

[]p (provability by the Löbian machine, that is mainly the machine which believes that if a natural number exists that verifies some verifiable property, they can find it (we are allowing some time/ number of computation steps, the machine does not need to be aware of that).

[]p & p (by the second incompleteness theorem, the machine cannot prove ~[]f, that is she can not prove []f -> f, so she can't prove in general []p -> p, and this makes the logic of []p & p differing from the logic of []p. ([]p & p) -> p trivially). What the machine proves is only its opinion, but []p & p, gives a logic of what the machine proves attached by definition to truth. It is basically Theaetetus' definition of knowledge, and here it gives indeed a modal logic of knowledge, enriched by a special new axiom (Grzegorczyk []([] (p -> []p) -> p) -> p). It is the mathematical definition of the first person associated to the machine. The theory is well known, it is S4Grz. With comp, we will need to still slightly extend it to S4Grz1 (adding
p-> []p as axiom for the atomic formula p)

[]p & <>t, that is the logic of the one who say yes to the doctor, without asking for a proof, as he knows that if he survives, he will still unable to prove the fact. As the machine used talk first order language, <>t is equivalent with the existence of a model. With the first person modality above, we attach the believer/prover to the truth. With the "& <>t" we attach the believer with a possible model/reality/universe/god/whatever- realizing-me. That is a consequence of Gödel's completeness theorem. It is an implicit religious believer who does not believe in cul-de- sac worlds. It is thus also the logic of the measure one: []p = p is true in all model, and "& <>t " and this means something as there is at least one world accessible (I am not in a cul-de-sac world). That is the first person plural observable, at least its modal logic. It inherits the splitting of G to G*.

Then you can apply the Theaetetus again, and incompleteness keeps making the modal logics consistent and different: []p & <>t & p.

When you extend the arithmetical interpretation from propositional modal to quantified predicate modal logic, you get theories which are highly undecidable, where even the whole set of arithmetical truth, used as an oracle can answer question without doing infinities of steps.

Note that G and G* applies also at the analytical level, or for set theories. It is very general, and it applies provably to a notion of ideally self-referentialy correct "platonist" machine (here "platonist" means they believe in Aristotle idea that a reasonable proposition on a number is true or false)).

The phsyical is defined by what the universal machine (defined in arithmetic) can observe, and observation is defined by "measure one on the set of sigma_1 true sentence". So we derive physics by extracting the logic of the observable, and if we get a quantum modal logic close enough to the logic B, we can reverse a transformation due to Goldblatt to get an arithmetical quantum logic, at the place we were asking the measure one.

​> ​like someone can emulate Einstein's brain

​Then that emulation is Einstein.​

Better: that emulation makes it possible for Einstein to manifest itself.

​> ​making a course in GR without any understanding of GR.

​Then Einstein didn't "understand" GR

No, you confuse the level. The guy who manipulate the pages of the book can talk with Einstein, but it does not become Einstein by emulating it!

RA can emulate PA and ZF, but RA knows about noting compare to PA and ZF. PA can prove that RA is consistent. Like ZF can prove that PA is consistent.

And RA can emulate PA doing a proof of the consistency of RA, but RA will not have any reason to trust PA about that, and that emulation is not a proof of the consistency of RA by RA (which would made RA inconsistent by the second theorem.

If you emulate Einstein, you talk with Einstein, you don't become Einstein.

Caution; grave confusion of level.

and like "God" and more recently "theology" the word has lost all meaning.​ This destruction of words you're engages in is getting scary, pretty soon we'll just have grunts.

I use the word in the sense of the dictionnary which are aware that there are many different religions, comparative theologies. I use "theology" in the sense of Proclus, I mean in the sense of the domain of free inquiry it was before politics get mixed and steal the idea with the help of the charlatan and the credulity of the people, exploiting fears, etc. Theology is a science. Math and physics are born from it, but unless you justify it from some theological hypothesis, you can't confuse theology with any science in different domain.

​>> ​I'm not sure exactly what it's lacking, maybe it's the Axiom of Choice and maybe it's something else,

​> ​It is the primitive matter which is lacking.

​Then ​primitive matter​ is more fundamental than arithmetic. QED. ​

OK, but then we are not Turing emulable, and you need to explain me what magical thing, or actual infinite, you are using for that primitive matter to select the computations, or just abandon comp, and revised the contract asking for them to keep intact the actual infinities in the primitive matter of your brain (good luck explaining them what you mean).

​>> ​but it sure as hell is lacking SOMETHING because nobody has been able to start a computer hardware company with zero manufacturing costs.

​> ​But the hardware and the primitive matter are explained in RA,

​Can RA also give an answer that INTEL stockholders would accept to explain why shutting down all their silicon chip fabrication plants and just ordering their employees to meditate about numbers didn't turn out to be a wise business move?

RA cannot do that anymore than you can make a pizza by solving Everett Dewitt Wheeler Universal Wave Equation.

Not sure you are trying to be serious here, or you keep confusing many levels.


  John K Clark

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