On 11-05-2016 00:39, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On 11/05/2016 1:54 am, smitra wrote:
On 10-05-2016 06:04, Bruce Kellett wrote:

Non-locality was not the issue with this example of the cat in the
box. All I was seeking to establish was that the observer maybe on
definite branches of the wave function (i.e., have been "split")
without knowing about it. The wave function here is taken to be an
objective description of the system, and the observer is part of the
wave function. So the observer might well be on both the cat-dead and
cat-alive branches, but be unaware of which. The cat is definitely
dead on the cat-dead branch and alive on the cat-alive branch. So this
is an objective fact of the evolved wave function, even thought the
observer has no yet self-located. Opening the box then conveys
information to the observer, but does not kill the cat, or cause the
split in the wave function, or the observer. The duplicated persons
may objectively be, one in Washington and one in Moscow, without being aware of which city (branch of the wave function) they are in. Opening
the door and finding out conveys information, but does not transport
the person to that city.

Yes, but even in the case of the observer getting localized without he or she consciously being aware of that, this localization effect will still be due to local interaction with the branches in the region he/she is in. So whether or not localization in a branch requires conscious awareness of the differences between the two branches isn't relevant.

This means that when Alice is on her way to meet with Bob, she won't be localized inside Bob's branches corresponding to Bob having obtained definite results with definite polarizer settings, at least until that time she gets located inside the light cone emanating from the points at Bob's location at the times when the relevant information about these facts were created.

So what? The information is already present in the wave function--
nothing new is created when the light cones overlap.

The localization of Alice inside Bob's branches and vice versa can only start at that point. Decoherence happens fast but this entanglement involving more and more of he environmental degrees of freedom can only spread at the speed of light.

This means that the MWI does not have the same issue w.r.t. non-locality as collapse interpretations have where only one branch is real.


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