On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 11:19 PM, Brent Meeker <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote

> ​> ​
> The cosmological constant appears as an integration constant in solutions
> to Einstein's equations.
> ​

​Yes, so mathematically it could have any value including zero. ​

> ​> ​
> It would be good to know more about the CC, but we actually "know" more
> about it than we do about dark matter.

The Cosmological Constant​​ amount
​​ to a repulsive effect that comes​ ​from space itself, and
​ ​
you can set that constant to anything and mathematically the field​
​equations of General Relativity would still work​ just fine​. Originally
Einstein​ ​saw no physical reason for that additional complication so he
set it to​ ​zero. But then he noticed that if it was zero the universe
could not be​ ​stable, it must be expanding or contracting
​ ​
and​ at the time everybody​ ​including Einstein thought the universe was
stable so he set it to a non​ ​zero value and the cosmological constant was
born. However just a few​ ​years later Hubble found the universe was
expanding, so Einstein​ ​thought the cosmological constant no longer had a
purpose and said that​ ​changing it from zero was the greatest mistake of
his life.​

​Then​ people working with quantum mechanics found that empty space​
​should indeed have a repulsive effect, but the numbers were huge,​
​gigantic astronomical, so large that the universe would blow itself
​ ​
apart in
less than a billionth of a​ trillionth of a​ nanosecond. This was clearly a
nonsensical result but most felt that once a quantum theory of gravity was
discovered a way would be found to cancel this out and the true value of
the cosmological constant would be zero.

​But then​
 just a few years ago it was observed that the universe is not just
expanding but accelerating, so now theoreticians must find a way to cancel
out, not the entire cosmological constant, but the vastly more difficult
task of canceling it all out *EXCEPT* for one part in 10^120. There are
only about 10^90 atoms in the observable universe.
​ Nobody has a clue how to do this.​

 John K Clark

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