On 06 Apr 2017, at 22:57, Brent Meeker wrote:

On 4/6/2017 12:35 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 05 Apr 2017, at 20:46, Brent Meeker wrote:

On 4/5/2017 1:54 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 04 Apr 2017, at 16:47, David Nyman wrote:

I've been thinking about the Lucas/Penrose view of the purported limitations of computation as the basis for human thought. I know that Bruno has given a technical refutation of this position, but I'm insufficiently competent in the relevant areas for this to be intuitively convincing for me. So I've been musing on a more personally intuitive explication, perhaps along the following lines.

The mis-step on the part of L/P, ISTM, is that they fail to distinguish between categorically distinct 3p and 1p logics which, properly understood, should in fact be seen as the stock- in-trade of computationalism. The limitation they point to is inherent in incompleteness - i.e. the fact that there are more (implied) truths than proofs within the scope of any consistent (1p) formal system of sufficient power. L/P point out that despite this we humans can 'see' the missing truths, despite the lack of a formal proof, and hence it must follow that we have access to some non-algorithmic method inaccessible to computation. What I think they're missing here - because they're considering the *extrinsic or external* (3p) logic to be exclusively definitive of what they mean by computation - is the significance in this regard of the *intrinsic or internal* (1p) logic. This is what Bruno summarises as Bp and p, or true, justified belief, in terms of which perceptual objects are indeed directly 'seen' or apprehended. Hence a computational subject will have access not only to formal proof (3p) but also to direct perceptual apprehension (1p). It is this latter which then constitutes the 'seeing' of the truth that (literally) transcends the capabilities of the 3p system considered in isolation.

I don't think so. It is not direct perceptual "seeing the truth"; it is an inference in language and depends on language.


It is not an inference, but the recognition of a fact, like when a smoke detector detect smoke.

But the fact that is "recognized" is that the Goedel sentence is (in Goedel's language which he has encoded in arithmetic) says it cannot be proven - and then one infers that the axiomatic system cannot be completed. I don't see how any of this can even be considered without language and inferences.

I am not sure why you say this. I was talking about the p in "[]p & p". You can't apply Gödel on this because the truth of p cannot be defined in arithmetic. That is how the first-person escapes incompleteness and can believe consistently to be consistent (or even complete). S4Grz does prove <>t. The problem is that its reference to truth makes it mute on basically any question. Indeed, it cannot use language or inference. Axiomatically, it is a knower, and knower are not machine from their own point of view. Only G* knows that []p = []p & p, the machine can't know that.

Let us write [m]p for the machine proves p, and [1]p by I know p. f is for "0=1", say. The error by Lucas and Penrose is that we know that the machine is consistent (even correct) so we can say

   [m]f -> f

But the machine cannot, so I am superior to that machine. But if we are machine, we can't say [m]f -> f with m being my body-machine. Oh, said Penrose, but we, human, knows [1]f -> f, and we would know that [1] = [m] if we believe in mechanism. But that is wrong, we don't know that [1] = [m]. We can only bet on it, and the machine can do that bet too. In fact the machine can define its own knowledge for each particular proposition by [1]p = [m]p & p, like us, and realise that this can only belong to its own G* minus G, by *assuming* its own correctness at the metalevel. Then she is computationalist, but remain consistent only if she does not assume this at the ground level. She has to admit that to enter the telportation box, his hope to survive cannot be justified, making its own belief in computationalist into an act of faith. Its modesty requires it mentionning it is theology.

There is an implicit assumption of being awake, or not dreaming, but still no inference, nor does it use language,

Who does proofs without language?

The experiencer, or intuitionists mathematicians. Not to confuse with the metamathematics of intuitionism. When you put your hand in the fire, you don't say: I don't understand could you elaborate on the proof? You just put your hand quickly of the fire, without needing to verify a proof.

at least not necessarily. The smoke detector detects smoke through it senses, and so believe in some representational sense that there is smoke (the [](smoke)), and ... there is smoke (the p of []p & p).

Which is an instance of physical perception - not logical proof.

Yes. That's the point. And when we do informal proof, like in math, physics, etc., there is always a stage when that happens. The personal conviction is always beyond language, and as such non communicable/ justifiable. It is relatively communicable in between entities agreeing on some intuitive truth, like 0 ≠ s(x). That requires some faith in at least one reality, like the standard model of number theory, or a physical world, or Zeus, whatever.



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