On 08 May 2017, at 15:18, Bruce Kellett wrote:

On 8/05/2017 5:25 pm, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
2017-05-08 9:14 GMT+02:00 Bruce Kellett <bhkell...@optusnet.com.au>:
On 8/05/2017 5:01 pm, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

Something lie the speed prior... yes the UD has all of them, but the measure function (which we don't have) must render the consistency, thing like complexity and size could be a way to explain why consciousness->white noise have low measure.

Those are just arbitrary assumptions, designed to give you some handle on what you want. For consistency, the definition of 'consistent continuations' for the measure must come from logic and/ or arithmetic alone.

A measure function would come from arithmetic alone, complexity/ size/... are arithmetical notion... so I don't see your point,

If one insists on 'consistent continuations' of conscious states, it does not seem that 'size (of what, program length, or what?) can really do the job.

That is right. But that is why there is a measure problem, which is on the material appearances.

Now the UDA explains that the material appearance are just the leaves of UD*, that is all states (hating or not) obtained by the execution of the UD (in arithmetic, or in combinatory algebra, or in the game of life, etc.), and the measure 1 is given by []p & <>t, []p says that p is true in all consistent continuations (by a form of completeness theorem), and <>t guarantied that it is a probability (as opposed to belief or knowledge): it is the usual default assumption that is imperative for any measure of probability, credibility, etc. And we get a quantum logic exactly there, so Mechanism is not (yet) refuted. To get the full measure, and the physical laws: it is only a matter of solving the open problems (finding good axiomatization of the material hypostases, and semantics, up to get the Hilbert spaces or the von Neuman algebra. Von Neumann original goal of his quantum logic was that QM should be derived from the logic, and quantum logicians are working on that. By getting the quantum logic exactly where Mechanism imposed the logic of the observable shows that mechanism might not be so far from explaining the proigin of the physical appearance. Then the inherited split between provable and true (G/G*) in the material hypostases makes possible to distinguish the qualia from the quanta, which was the goal: unifying all "forces" without eliminating consciousness and qualia, but justifying them integrally. Invoking a primary material reality to oppose this, like some people do, is like invoking invisible horse to oppose the physics of automobile, or invoking a God to oppose to the theory of evolution. Indeed, mechanism can be seen a kind of "evolution theory", except that the evolution of the physical laws operates in a logical space of computations "seen from inside" (that is with some point of view defined by intentional variant of self-reference). That rejoins the neoplatonist conception of Reality: just one reality (arithmetical truth) seen from different angles (the 8 hypostases instantiated by all particular creatures in arithmetic).


it's not because there are everything that everything is equally probable... the problem is exactly the same with MWI... you have to have a measure function, I understand you reject even the idea, so it seems pointless to discuss

What gives you the idea that I reject a measure function for QM in the MWI interpretation -- the Born rule applied to the wave function is precisely the measure function one needs, for any interpretation of QM to accord with experience.

If physics is to come from the UD (computationalism) you need a measure over conscious states. From what Bruno says, it is not clear that these conscious states need consistent continuations -- your next conscious moment might be a computation is some entirely different program of the UD. However, that notion runs into the Occam catastrophe that Russell mentions -- the overwhelming majority of programs that instantiate our conscious moments run from white noise in the past, to white noise in the future -- Boltzmann brains, in effect.

... remember, I'm not here to be convinced in any way that your ontological stance is true or not (or the ones of someone else) but to discuss the everything ideas and theories.

Presumably you are interested in tests of these ideas? And the possibility that there may be conceptual problems with their implementation? I am not making any ontological claims here. I am simply asking how one can get physics out of computationalist notions.


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