On Mon, Jun 19, 2017  spudboy100 via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

​> ​
> The voice of reason? Maybe. It's your shooter, your antifa rioters, and
> the facts speak for themselves.

​Come on Spudboy be a good old boy and give us a hint, is a "​
​" a noun a verb a adjective or a adverb?

John K Clark​

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  • AI John Clark
    • Re: AI Brent Meeker
      • Re: AI John Clark
        • Re: AI spudboy100 via Everything List
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                • ... John Clark
                • ... spudboy100 via Everything List
                • ... John Clark
                • ... spudboy100 via Everything List
                • ... Brent Meeker
                • ... spudboy100 via Everything List
                • ... Brent Meeker
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