On Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 03:59:56PM +1000, Bruce Kellett wrote:
> Well, I have just taken a quick look. What strikes me is that the
> first paragraph of Appendix D defines "Observer moments psi(t) are
> sets of possibilities consistent with what is known at that point in
> time, providing variation upon which anthropic selection acts. ...
> We wish to determine the probability of outcome a being observed."
> So you assume a probabilistic model from the outcome. Why would you
> do that? Why not a deterministic model?

I do spend over a hundred pages prior to the chapter on QM going into
the reasons! But to try to signpost this, and maybe save you the
effort of reading my book, the basic reason is that our 1p view must
be the result of evolution - not biological evolution, per se, but
anthropic evolution - the result of variation of possible futures, and
anthropic selection from those possible futures to the actual result
seen. Along with heredity (which in QM gives rise to unitarity), we
have the three pillars of evolution as espoused by Lewontin.

Consequently, the probabilistic model needs to be there right from the
start to provide the variation on which anthropic selection acts.

> So you know about QM from the start, and devise a strategy to get
> you there. One of the problems that many-worlders face in their
> attempts to derive the Born rule from within MWI is that they cannot
> independently justify a probabilistic model.

Yes, but I don't start with the MWI (namely, I don't start with a
Hilbert space and unitary equation of motion - ie Schroedinger's
equation). I start with evolution in a generic multiverse.

> If you have a
> probabilistic model in 3 or more dimensions, Gleason's theorem tells
> you that the Born rule is the only consistent model for
> probabilities. 

My arguments go through in fewer than 3 dimensions as well, AFAIK,
although that would a relatively uninteresting world - very black and
white :). Which is why I suspect it is independent of Gleason.

> But you have to say why you want a probabilistic
> interpretation in the first place. Deutsch's attempts founder on the
> fact that he has to assume that small amplitudes have small
> probabilities, even to get started, so his argument is manifestly
> circular.

Yes - I think the problem with those approaches is that they start
with a Hilbert space and unitary equation of motion (ie a classic
MWI), and then fail to generate the Born rule because there is no
observer in their mechanics.

> As I said, you build a probabilistic model in at the start, so
> Gleason's theorem is going to get you the Born rule automatically.
> Or if you don't assume Gleason, you have an equivalent result by
> another route. Assuming a probabilistic model is a very powerful
> starting point......

Sure - but it is necessary. If evolution did not work the way it did,
we could only ever be Boltzmann brains, isolated observers existing
fleetingly, barely having time to consider what to have for lunch, let
alone figuring out the meaning of the universe. Fortunately for us,
evolution does work to generate complex worlds from simple beginnings,
meaning an evolved world is overwhelming more likely to occur in the
Multiverse of Everything than Boltzmann brain existences.


Dr Russell Standish                    Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Senior Research Fellow        hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
Economics, Kingston University         http://www.hpcoders.com.au

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