On 13/08/2017 12:04 am, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
On Sat, 12 Aug 2017 at 4:52 pm, Bruce Kellett <bhkell...@optusnet.com.au <mailto:bhkell...@optusnet.com.au>> wrote:

    On 12/08/2017 1:42 pm, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

    First person experience is individual and private. The third
    person point of view is the view of an external observer. Suppose
    person A is observed laughing by person B. The behaviour - the
    laughing - can be observed by anyone; this is the third person
    point of view. Person A might be experiencing happiness or
    amusement; this is the first person point of view and only person
    A himself has it. Finally, person B has visual and auditory
    experiences and knowledge of the outside world (there are
    laughing entities in it), and this is again from the first person
    point of view. I would say that knowledge is a type of
    experience, and therefore always first person and private;
    information is that which is third person communicable. But
    perhaps this last point is a matter of semantics.

    If your knowledge is gained from someone else, it is necessarily
    communicable information, and thus third person. First person is
    your personal experience, which is not communicable. However,
    knowledge gained by experience is communicable, and thus third
    person. Otherwise, all that you say above is mere logic chopping.

Most first person experiences are based on third person information, namely sensory data.

How is sensory data 'third person information'? That would make everything 3p, and you have eliminated the first person POV. If I experience the pleasure of sitting in the sun on a fine spring morning, that is surely a first person experience, and entirely sensory in origin.

Even a priori knowledge, such mathematical knowledge, starts with learning about the subjectvfrom outside sources.

Returning to the point, why were you claiming that the subject on a duplication experiment cannot have first person knowledge of duplication? That would mean no-one could ever have first person knowledge of anything.

If you go into the duplicating machine without being told what it is, then you are duplicated and come out in Moscow, you will know that you have been transported from Helsinki, but how can you know anything about any duplicates? As far as you know -- not knowing the protocol -- you could simply have been rendered unconscious and flown to Moscow. How does 1p experience tell the difference?

This is why I think some 3p is being mixed in with 1p experiences in this duplication protocol. The subject only knows the protocol by being told about it. How does he know he is not being lied to?


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