On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 12:28:26PM +1000, Bruce Kellett wrote:
> On 29/08/2017 3:17 pm, Russell Standish wrote:
> >I attach a brief PDF of what I have so far. It shows how observer
> >moments, modelled as sets of bitstrings classified by looking at a
> >finite number of bits naturally map to vectors in a complex vector
> >space. There are some lemmas, proofs and conjectures (theorems I
> >haven't managed to prove yet, but think are plausible).
> I have had a look through your notes.I am not sure that I fully
> understand the direction you are heading in, but I have one or two
> comments to make at this stage.

Good. I'm glad you're casting a critical eye over it. Sorry for taking
a while to respond - my son was struck by a car on Friday
night. Fortunately, he survived with just a few grazes and bruises,
and what with the car having to be towed away with a cracked
windscreen, he can say in this case of car vs man, the car came off
second best. Nevertheless, it was a harrowing Friday night...

> You say: "A conscious observer of these strings will only examine a
> finite number of bits prior to making a decision on the meaning."
> This strikes me a tending to be a little dualist -- there is no-one
> examining any strings; some string or other corresponds to the
> actual observer (moment), so it is not "observed", it is the actual
> OM. 

The whole point of the the bitstrings is that they are interpreted by
something we call an observer. In the usual Comp Sci setup, there is a
reference universal Turing machine, but when talking about everything
theories, there can be no such thing - it must always be relative to
an observer. Note that this doesn't rule out that it is the
bitstrings, or some part of the bitstrings that is the observer, so
that what is happening is self-observation, so one cannot claim this
must be dualist.

> Secondly, you take this string to be a fixed, finite length
> prefix, followed by an infinite string of "don't care" bits. I don't
> see that you can take the OM to be the leading section of the string
> -- it could occur anywhere, and there might be an essentially
> infinite string of lead-in "don't care" bits. 

Of course, not all of the finite length prefix needs to be
fixed. "Don't care" bits may be scattered throughout, including the
initial sequence of bits. However, what I dispute is that there can be
an infinite string of "don't care" bits, unless one is talking about
the Everything/Nothing itself. No Turing machine can skip an infinite
number of bits from the start of it's tape.

> But I don't think that
> this is necessarily a problem for your analysis. The assumption that
> the OM is a finite section of the string might be a bit strong --
> why could it not be an infinite sub-section of the infinite string?
> The problem with infinite bit strings describing OMs might be that
> indexing becomes problematic.

One can build up an infinite section by taking an infinite union of
these atomic OMs. Whilst each observer only observes a finite number
of bits before halting and experiencing a particular OM, there is no
limit to the number of bits that can be read before experiencing any
given OM. If you consider all identical copies of an OM, there may
well be an infinite number of bits involved.

> The main difficulty I see is that you are simply analysing some
> properties of sets of strings. I do not see any way that you can
> characterize these strings as OMs. You start by picking out the set
> of strings containing an OM, but I do not see how you can ensure
> that manipulations of these strings necessarily leads to other
> possible OMs. What makes a string an OM -- other thanthe fact that
> that is how you select the string in the first place. Changing it in
> any way has not been shown to lead to some other OM. I don't see
> that an OM can match a number of different prefixes -- after all,
> the "prefix" is the OM!

Exactly the same way that a given program implemented in Fortran and
also in Lisp is the same program, regardlessof the fact that a
different sequence of bits is involved.

> Of course, the same prefix might have any
> number of following "don't care" bits, so an OM is a union of atomic
> OMs, as you say.
> I also don't really like the idea that the outcome of a measurement
> can be modelled via set intersection. 

The usual, canonical idea of a measurement is that it further
constrains the set of possible world you might exist in. If your
world is described by set A, and we make a measurement that implies
your world can be found in set B, then we would normally infer that
our world is in A∩B.

The insight, as it were, is how to deal with the situation where the
measure provides some conflicting information - in that case we end up
with less information than we had before, and the resultant world is
more like A∪B, or somewhere in between.

> OM A plus measurement outcome
> B is not necessarily the intersection of A and B. B is a measurement
> outcome, not necessarily an OM in itself. The OM representing A
> observing some measurement outcome B is surely some new OM, and it
> is not clear to me how it is to be related to either A or B without
> making some pretty strong assumptions.

Yes, or course it is a new OM. Abstracting away the measurement
process, and considering only the information provided by the
measurement, the information either adds to what we already know (in
which case the resultant subset describing our knowledge is reduced by
an intersection), or it contradicts what we know, which case we must
take a union. An intermediate case might be where some part of the
measurement results adds to what we know, and another part
contradicts, but we can simplify things by considering just those
measurements that result in 1 bit of information, so that only
intersections and unions are relevant.

Re the direction this is headed, the idea is still the derivation of
the usual QM axioms from this notion of partitioning the set of all
infinite length strings. What this current work shores up is the
generation of a complex field Banach space (later Hilbert space with
appropriate inner product). The difficulty on the previous work was
requiring a complex measure for observers to be drawn from (and your
quite valid observation that a linear combination of observer
moments is not necessarily an OM). This all proved to be unnecessary -
the complex field comes about from the requirement that only the
everything/nothing object maps to the zero of the vector space, and we
considering all unions of the atomic OMs, without requiring that they
all be valid OMs - which is just as valid as in regular QM, where not
all vectors of the Hilbert space correspond to valid physical scenarios.

Note there is an actual measure on the sets of strings, which should
be related somehow to the Born rule. I agree with you that the current
approach in my appendix is too arbitrary, it depends too much on the
initial partition chosen. It may be that the partitioning doesn't
matter, and that approach in the appendix can be resurrected, or it
may be that Gleason comes to help, but I'm expecting that the Born
rule should be related to the set measure ultimately.


Dr Russell Standish                    Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Senior Research Fellow        hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
Economics, Kingston University         http://www.hpcoders.com.au

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