On 21/11/2017 8:45 pm, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
On Tue, 21 Nov 2017 at 12:27 pm, Bruce Kellett <bhkell...@optusnet.com.au <mailto:bhkell...@optusnet.com.au>> wrote:

    On 21/11/2017 11:37 am, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
    On 21 November 2017 at 08:53, Bruce Kellett
    <bhkell...@optusnet.com.au <mailto:bhkell...@optusnet.com.au>> wrote:

        On 20/11/2017 11:42 pm, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
        On Sun, 19 Nov 2017 at 8:35 am, Bruce Kellett
        <mailto:bhkell...@optusnet.com.au>> wrote:

            On 19/11/2017 12:15 am, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
            On Sat, 18 Nov 2017 at 9:11 am, Bruce Kellett
            <mailto:bhkell...@optusnet.com.au>> wrote:

                And exactly what is it that you claim has not been
                proved in MW theory? Bell's theorem applies there
                too: it has never been proved that it does not.
                Bell was no fool: he did not like MWI, but if that
                provided an escape from his theorem, he would have
                addressed the issue. The fact that he did not
                suggests strongly that you do not have a case.

            Bell’s theory applies in the sense that the
            experimental results would be the same in MWI, but the
            FTL weirdness is eliminated. This is because in MWI the
            experimenter can’t prepare a random state,

            What do you mean by this? Are you claiming that there
            are no free variables in MWI? Some form of superdeterminism?


        As far as I know, the only serious advocate of
        superdeterminism as an account of QM is Gerard 't Hooft. Tim
        Maudlin analysed 't Hooft's arguments in a long exchange with
        him on Facebook:


        Maudlin's arguments was basically that the type of
        conspiracies that would be required in the general case would
        be such, that if they were generalized, they would render
        science and experimental confirmation of theories meaningless.

        I think Maudlin is quite right here. Apart from the
        implication that superdeterminism says that all our
        scientific theories are necessarily incomplete,
        superdeterminism is not really an explanation of anything,
        since anything you observe can be explained away in this way.

    Maudlin also says this about EPR, Bell and MWI:

    Finally, there is one big idea. Bell showed that measurements
    made far apart cannot regularly display correlations that violate
    his inequality if the world is local. But this requires that the
    measurements have results in order that there be the requisite
    correlations. What if no “measurement” ever has a unique result
    at all; what if all the “possible outcomes” occur? What would it
    even mean to say that in such a situation there is some
    correlation among the “outcomes of these measurements”? This is,
    of course, the idea of the Many Worlds interpretation. It does
    not refute Bell’s analysis, but rather moots it: in this picture,
    phenomena in the physical world do not, after all, display
    correlations between distant experiments that violate Bell’s
    inequality, somehow it just seems that they do. Indeed, the world
    does not actually conform to the predictions of quantum theory at
    all (in particular, the prediction that these sorts of
    experiments have single unique outcomes, which correspond to
    eigenvalues), it just seems that way. So Bell’s result cannot get
    a grip on this theory.


    It is a pity that you did not complete the quotation....
    Immediately following the passage you quote above, Maulin says:

    "That does not prove that Many Worlds is local: it just shows that
    Bell's result does not prove that it isn't local. In order to even
    address the question of the locality of Many Worlds a tremendous
    amount of interpretive work has to be done. This is not the place
    to attempt such a task."

Well yes, it could be that there are other reasons why MWI is not local, but Maudlin agrees that EPR is not one of them.

That is neither an accurate nor a fair characterization of what Maudlin says. He repeats some of the suggestions that have been made for considering that Bell's theorem may not apply to MWI, and more or less accepts them without analysis. His only comment really is that a lot more work needs to be done to determine whether or not the criticisms of Bell and Many Worlds can be justified. Maudlin does not, however, suggest that EPR experiments do not establish non-locality in MWI, independent of Bell's theorem. He leaves the question open; for further investigation. I have shown by means of an explicit counter example that EPR type measurements on the singlet state of two particles do show directly that non-locality is inherent even in many worlds interpretations of QM. I have thus started the further analysis that Maudlin suggests is necessary.

The real problem, of course, is that several on this list have simply said that MWI renders QM local, bypassing both EPR and Bell's theorem. This has been asserted without further proof, and that is totally unacceptable, even in Maudlin's relaxed interpretation.


    Thde misrepresentation of Maudlin's position appears to be quite
    common in the Many Worlds community. I don't think Maudlin is
    completely correct in his idea that Bell' result cannot get a grip
    on the theory -- it can if one understands many worlds in terms of
    superpositions of possible outcomes. But that is by the way. What
    I have presented is a concrete counterexample to the contention
    that Many Worlds is local. Maudlin does not consider this
    counterexample, so that does rather render his comments on MWI moot!

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