On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 10:46 PM, <agrayson2...@gmail.com> wrote:

*​> ​If Weinberg thinks the MWI is "repellent", do you really think he
> finds it plausible?*

​ ​
absolutely!! Weinberg is on record for saying the universe is "pointless"
and he probably thinks being pointless is pretty repellent but I'll bet he
nevertheless thinks the existence of the universe is plausible because he's
smart enough to know that the universe (or the multiverse) is not obligated
to be concerned with the personal likes and dislikes of Steven Weinberg.
Feynman was smart enough to know that too, he didn't like many worlds any
better that Weinberg but admitted "it's possible" because he didn't have a
better idea that could explain the weird quantum world. As
​ ​
California Institute of
​ ​
​ ​
physicist and Many World
​Sean Carroll
says "Our job as scientists is to formulate the best possible description
of the world as it is, not to force the world to bend to our

​ John K Clark​

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