On 04 Dec 2017, at 01:17, agrayson2...@gmail.com wrote:

On Sunday, December 3, 2017 at 7:42:30 PM UTC, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
On Sunday, December 3, 2017 at 12:55:04 PM UTC-6, Jason wrote:

I can understand how in the darwinian sense, it could makes predators and prey less successful. But in the sense of humans, who have technologically escaped most of the darwinian pressures, could this idea not improve life on earth?

The human species since the time of Australopithecus has worked to remove itself from the Darwinian world. With the development of stone tools and fire our early hominid ancestors took themselves off the menu. In turn they put more on their menu. We have been able to figure out how to untie any environmental constraint upon us and to further generate more positive feed backs. The results have not been an improvement of life on Earth. It has been rather the demolition of life as we replace naturally occurring systems with trash. The idea we are somehow improving things only might operate for ourselves, and frankly it might be argued it is for a subset of humans. In effect we are engineering the sixth mass extinction of life. The picture below illustrates an Albatross that has ingested plastic in the oceans and died. In the end this is the final legacy of Homo sapiens.


Lawrence; dire situation to be sure, and we're losing precious time with the moron in the WH. Any chance that Darwinian evolution will solve the problem by selecting out species that can learn NOT to ingest plastics? AG

Or learn to come back to Hemp.

Or learn to stop lying and doing "economy" instead.

Programmed obsolescence, for example, is fake economy. It generates useless works, and fake money. At least partially (obviously nature has already bet on programmed obsolescence and it has a partial genuine use, when using unstable components).

Since the prohibition laws, the economy has departed from the needs reflected by the individuals which have become tools and hostage of many ways to use money to make more money only: which is close to insanity (and big profits in short terms by criminal "special interests").

Democracy is like the Boing 747. The best plane ever ... when not hijacked by criminal special interests or other pirates.

Free-market is the "fuel" of a democracy, and that exists only *without* selling-prohibition laws, only selling-regulation laws.

A government can enforce the presence of warnings, and/or the traceability, and things like that, for some products, but a government has nothing to say on what be can be sold or not, ... or you put bandits into power. This is because the only reason to make a product, for which there is a demand, illegal is unfair (dishonest, based on lies) competition, going around the anti-monopoly laws, and/ or developing underground economies, black and grey moneys.

A democracy is a living (Turing universal) being. There is provably no universal vaccine, and it can get sick. But it can be cured and can survive, also. It can learn and improved.

Health should be separated from politics as much as religion should.


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