On Saturday, December 9, 2017 at 2:31:48 PM UTC-6, Brent wrote:
> On 12/9/2017 6:48 AM, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
> On Thursday, December 7, 2017 at 5:19:02 PM UTC-6, agrays...@gmail.com 
> wrote: 
>> On Thursday, December 7, 2017 at 9:47:42 PM UTC, Brent wrote: 
>>> When I took a series of classes in Artificial Intelliegence at UCLA in 
>>> the '70s the professor introducing the material of the first class 
>>> explained that, "Intelligence is whatever a computer can't do....yet."
>>> Brent
>> The fear of AI is that computers could eventually exhibit a 
>> characteristic reminiscent of "will" and exhibit it maliciously against 
>> humans. I suppose for you that's not a problem since, IIRC, you deny the 
>> existence of will. AG 
> For a computer to be intelligent, and maybe even acquire some form of self 
> awareness, it must be able to re-script its data stack and even some of its 
> programming. The recent gains in AI have begun to push into this territory. 
>  This would require some subtle work as this becomes more developed. The 
> system can't becomes trapped in self-referential loops, but it also may in 
> time require these be employed. A truncated form of self-reference, one 
> that diagonalizes a finite list, may permit a system to "pop out" of its 
> knowledge base. The system may then acquire unprovable truths in a 
> partially stochastic way. We obviously can't have systems that require an 
> infinite amount of information to perform Godelian trick, but we might be 
> able to approximate it. 
> I suspect AI might learn how to become self aware by being interfaced with 
> human brains. 
> But note that humans are not self-aware in the sense you're 
> contemplating.  They cannot consciously "re-script their data stack" or 
> programming.  People are self-aware in that they have a model of themselves 
> in the world and in social relations.  So one models oneself having 
> thoughts and other people having thoughts as part of ones model of the 
> world.
> Brent
Learning is a case of rescripting a data stack. Dendrites that are pared 
back and built up in different ways are clearly a case of restructuring the 
computing system.


> 50 years from now I think much of humanity will have their brains 
> interlinked. This will mean that consciousness will no longer be a private 
> thing and that AI systems will acquire it as well. Where things go from 
> there is anyone's guess. Maybe the machines will steal our consciousness 
> and then discard us as useless.
> LC

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