I answered an outstanding question on the physics stack exchange on page 
time and information scrambling 
Below are the first three paragraphs of the answer.

The Page time comes about because of the nature of entanglement. For a 
cavity emitter of black body radiation a photon emitted early on is 
entangled with atomic states in the cavity. However, once half the energy 
in the cavity is emitted subsequent radiation emitted is entangled with 
radiation emitted earlier. As a result the entanglement entropy increases 
to some maximum, at about half the energy emitted, and then declines. The 
entangled states are towards the end in the form of emitted radiation.

A black hole is similar in that Hawking radiation is emitted from an 
entangled pair of photons or electron positron pairs. One enters the black 
hole and the other escapes to infinity. At the half way mark, where the 
black hole has emitted half its mass a conundrum becomes apparent. The 
black hole continues to build up entanglement entropy by this process. It 
will exceed the Bekenstein entropy bound. If this is prevented by assuming 
entanglement of later Hawking radiation is entangled with early Hawking 
radiation this force bipartite entanglements to evolve into tripartite 
states, which is not possible by unitary evolution. This is said to violate 
the monogamy rule. This generally occurs at the so called Page time.

The idea then is that something catastrophic happens where either unitary 
evolution or the equivalence principle fails. Preference is given to 
unitarity, so the equivalence principle is said to fail at the so called 



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