On Sunday, December 31, 2017 at 8:10:39 PM UTC-6, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Sunday, December 31, 2017 at 7:25:53 AM UTC-7, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
>> On Saturday, December 30, 2017 at 8:33:17 PM UTC-6, agrays...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> On Saturday, December 30, 2017 at 2:40:22 PM UTC-7, Lawrence Crowell 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Saturday, December 30, 2017 at 2:28:52 PM UTC-6, agrays...@gmail.com 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Saturday, December 30, 2017 at 1:03:58 PM UTC-7, Lawrence Crowell 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Friday, December 29, 2017 at 8:45:41 PM UTC-6, agrays...@gmail.com 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Friday, December 29, 2017 at 6:59:22 AM UTC-7, Lawrence Crowell 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> The cosmological constant is Λ ~ 10^{-52}cm^{-2} and the scale 
>>>>>>>> factor evolves as 
>>>>>>>> a(t) = a_0 exp(t sqrt{Λc^2/3}).
>>>>>>>> The factor sqrt{Λc^2/3} ~ 10^{-18}sec^{-1}. For a billion years 
>>>>>>>> this is t ~ 3x10^{16} sec and so sqrt{Λc^2/3}t ~ .03 and the scale 
>>>>>>>> factor 
>>>>>>>> increases by 1.03. The CMB microwave background will be expanded by a 
>>>>>>>> small 
>>>>>>>> change. In 10 billion years this is t ~ 3x10^{17}sec and so 
>>>>>>>> sqrt{Λc^2/3}t ~ 
>>>>>>>> .3 and the scale factor expands by 1.4. At 100 billion and a trillion 
>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>> scale factor expands by 20 and in a trillion years by 10^{13}. This 
>>>>>>>> means 
>>>>>>>> the CMB peak wavelength will be about 10^{10}m. That is not quite the 
>>>>>>>> length of the cosmos, but in 10 trillion years the expansion factor is 
>>>>>>>> close to ~ 10^{800} which means the wavelength at this point is larger 
>>>>>>>> than 
>>>>>>>> the cosmological horizon scale. At that point the CMB will be removed 
>>>>>>>> from 
>>>>>>>> the view of any observer. The time where wavelength becomes longer 
>>>>>>>> than the 
>>>>>>>> cosmological horizon occurs in about 2 trillion years. 
>>>>>>>> LC
>>>>>>> *Does the CMB just keep getting progressively redder as the cosmos 
>>>>>>> expands, or does it actually "wink out", meaning CMB photons which we 
>>>>>>> might 
>>>>>>> eventually observe, begin their journey beyond our horizon? Since no 
>>>>>>> new 
>>>>>>> ones are being created, and the original ones are within our immediate 
>>>>>>> neighborhood, like Andromeda, I don't see how they can wink out. AG *
>>>>>> Think of a cube with sides length L. This is a region that permits 
>>>>>> wavelengths of λ  = L/2, L, 3L/2, ...as standing waves. By this as one 
>>>>>> photon of those wavelength leaves another enters. So we can think of 
>>>>>> space 
>>>>>> as having properties similar to a resonance cavity. As space expands 
>>>>>> this 
>>>>>> box expands, which means the permitted standing waves have longer 
>>>>>> wavelength. So as space expands electromagnetic waves within it also 
>>>>>> becomes stretched. This is the red shifting of light.
>>>>>> Local clusters of galaxies that are gravitationally bound will not 
>>>>>> have this issue. These galaxies will remain in relative close proximity. 
>>>>>> If 
>>>>>> it were not for the fact Andromeda and the Milky Way are going to 
>>>>>> coalesce 
>>>>>> in about 4 billion years Andromeda would be observable from this galaxy 
>>>>>> far 
>>>>>> into the future in wavelengths of light emitted by stars. The other 
>>>>>> galaxy, 
>>>>>> M33 or Triangulum, the smaller of the three large galaxies in the local 
>>>>>> group, may orbit around this newly formed Androway or Milkomeda galaxy 
>>>>>> for 
>>>>>> a nearly indefinite time into the future.
>>>>>> LC
>>>>> *So you agree with Brent that the CMB will grow redder as the universe 
>>>>> expands, but will never "wink out" as will be the case for galaxies not 
>>>>> gravitationally bound to the MW? The key difference is contained in the 
>>>>> concept of photons entering the box as others leave, and I suppose this 
>>>>> follows from the omnidirectional nature of the CMB. Correct? AG*
>>>> Once the wavelength of CMB radiation has expanded beyond any possible 
>>>> quarter wave stack size it it no longer detectable. Once it has expanded 
>>>> to 
>>>> a scale larger than the cosmological horizon it is absolutely impossible 
>>>> to 
>>>> detect. In that case we can say the CMB has winked out. This will happen 
>>>> in 
>>>> a finite time in the future, though two trillion years is 144 times the 
>>>> age 
>>>> of the universe now and almost eternity compared to our lifetimes. In the 
>>>> extreme time frame beyond from 10^{30} to 10^{110} years there will only 
>>>> be 
>>>> supermassive black holes. The cosmological horizon does emit 
>>>> Hawking-Gibbon 
>>>> radiation that is analogous to Hawking radiation.  This radiation will 
>>>> perturb black holes, and potentially a civilization or collective of 
>>>> intelligent life that lives around such a SMBH using its angular momentum 
>>>> as energy might be able to detect this perturbation. The SMBH might not 
>>>> decay quite as it would in a pure vacuum. This might be the detection of 
>>>> the cosmological horizon. I will refrain from much comment on the 
>>>> plausibility of such civilizations.
>>>> The box argument in part works because of the isotropy of the CMB 
>>>> radiation.
>>>> LC
>>> *What is a quarter wave stack? I get the key point. TY. Since the CMB is 
>>> ubiquitous and isotropic, it can't be treated like a source which becomes 
>>> located beyond the cosmic horizon. AG *
>> An organ pipe is a quarter wave stack. It has open and closed, or Newman 
>> and Dirichlet, boundary conditions on either end. That way it is resonant 
>> with a wavelength by being a quarter of a wavelength in dimension.
>> LC 
> *Standing waves in an expanding box is a plausible model for analyzing the 
> evolution of the CMB, but in reality the photons comprising the CMB don't 
> bounce off a barrier, but keep moving away from the source event, some 
> 380,000 years after the BB.  How would you overcome this deficiency in your 
> model? TIA, AG*

>From an operational perspective they are equivalent. In any case the 
expansion of space expands waves in it.


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