> On 22 Apr 2018, at 19:22, agrayson2...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Sunday, April 22, 2018 at 4:19:44 PM UTC, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 20 Apr 2018, at 03:18, Bruce Kellett <bhke...@optusnet.com.au 
>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> From: Bruno Marchal <mar...@ulb.ac.be <javascript:>>
>>>> On 18 Apr 2018, at 15:45, Bruce Kellett < 
>>>> <javascript:>bhke...@optusnet.com.au <javascript:>> wrote:
>>>> From: Bruno Marchal <mar...@ulb.ac.be <javascript:>>
>>>>>> On 17 Apr 2018, at 13:52, Bruce Kellett < 
>>>>>> <javascript:>bhke...@optusnet.com.au <javascript:>> wrote
>>>>>> But note particularly that the spin measurement is made in the basis 
>>>>>> chosen by the experimenter (by orienting his/her magnet).
>>>>> OK.
>>>>>> The outcome of the measurement is + or -,
>>>>> For Alice and Bob, OK.
>>>>>> not one of the possible infinite set of possible basis vector 
>>>>>> orientations. The orientation is not measured, it is chose by the 
>>>>>> experimenter. So that is one potential source of an infinite set of 
>>>>>> worlds eliminated right away. The singlet is a                           
>>>>>>               superposition of two states, + and -: it is not a 
>>>>>> superposition of possible basis vectors.
>>>>> ? (That is far too ambiguous).
>>>> ????? It is not in the least ambiguous. The singlet state is not a 
>>>> superposition of basis vectors.
>>> ?
>>> The singlet state is the superposition of Iup>IMinus> and (Minus>Iup>.
>> Those are not generalized basis vectors: they are eigenfunctions of the spin 
>> projection operator in a particular basis. The singlet state is not a 
>> superposition of vectors from different bases.
> Did I say that?
>>>>>> If you think about it for a little, the formalism of QM does not allow 
>>>>>> the state to be written in any way that could suggest that.
>>>>>> I don't know what Everett says in his long text, but if it is any 
>>>>>> different from the above, then it is not standard quantum mechanics. 
>>>>>> Deutsch is a different case. He has a very strange notion about what 
>>>>>> constitutes different worlds in QM. Standard QM and Everett's 
>>>>>> interpretation are very clear: different worlds arise by the process of 
>>>>>> decoherence which diagonalizes the density matrix. The net effect is 
>>>>>> that worlds are, by definition, non interacting (contra Deutsch's ideas).
>>>>> ?
>>>> This relates to your lack of comprehension above.
>>> Patronising !!!!!!!
>> Merely pointing out your apparent lack of comprehension when you fail to 
>> appreciate the difference between the eigenvectors of a particular operator 
>> and the free choice of a basis for Hilbert space.
> You aggravante your case.
>>>> Deutsch has two distinct notions of "world" in his approach. He has the 
>>>> standard Everettian notion of a "relative state" corresponding to each 
>>>> term in the superposition of possible measurement outcomes. These relative 
>>>> states are made definite by decoherence,
>>> Relatively. Decoherence is only entanglement (with NON-collapse).
>> So what?
>>>> and then correspond to different, effectively orthogonal, worlds, each of 
>>>> which represents the experimenter observing one particular result. But 
>>>> Deutsch also has the idea that the infinity of possible bases for an 
>>>> unpolarized qubit also represents an infinity of worlds.
>>> That is necessary, and Everett explains this well when he shows that the 
>>> choice of the base to describe the universal wave is irrelevant.
>> Sure, the choice of basis is irrelevant. It is just that some bases are more 
>> useful than others. And there is no use at all in trying to use all bases at 
>> once!
>>> (A bit like the choice of the universal Turing formalism is irrelevant to 
>>> get the theology and the physics).
>>>> This is quite a different notion, and does not occur in Everettian theory.
>>> I disagree with this.
>> Well, you are wrong.
>>>> In this second notion of "world", the worlds remain in superposition and 
>>>> continue to interfere -- there is no separation into disjoint, 
>>>> non-interacting worlds. In fact, it is precisely this continued 
>>>> interference of these supposed "worlds" that is the explanation for the 
>>>> action of quantum computers -- which Deutsch seems to think actually 
>>>> *prove* his notion of quantum "many-worlds". He is out on a limb on this 
>>>> one, and few experts, even in the quantum computing field, agree with 
>>>> Deutsch on this new notion of "worlds". The essential continued 
>>>> interference between the different basis states in fact means that the 
>>>> "worlds" remain inextricable "one world". (See some of Scott Aaronson's 
>>>> comments on Deutsch and many-worlds in his lecture notes on quantum 
>>>> computing.)
>>>> So when you continue to refer to an "infinity of worlds" for the 
>>>> measurements on the entangled spin states, you are using a notion of 
>>>> "world" that does not occur in Everett, and is inherently controversial, 
>>>> if not entirely meaningless.
>>> I use the “Herbrand” interpretation of quantum mechanics without collapse. 
>>> I mean: it is literal QM (in a sense that logicians have made precise) 
>>> without collapse up to a choice of any arbitrary base. 
>>> I don’t believe in any worlds, to be clear. It always means some reality 
>>> satisfying some formal constraints.
>> I think you believe in a world. How else do you go about your daily life?
> Like in a dream. Like in any computations which get a high relative 
> probability. Of course you can call that worlds, but they have no fundamental 
> ontology. But please read my papers, or the old posts.
>> Or are you like most mathematicians: believing in platonism at work, but 
>> believing in nominalism the rest of the time?
> I am a scientist. I keep my belief for myself except those I put on the table 
> as hypotheses, and reason from that. I do that in theology, which is not done 
> frequently especially since 1500 years (but some have the right spirit, like 
> Spinoza, and many others less well known).
>>>>>>>> But even if you can manufacture an infinity of universes, you still 
>>>>>>>> have not shown how this removes the non-locality inherent in the 
>>>>>>>> quantum formalism.
>>>>>>> You have not shown non locality.
>>>>>> I have demonstrated non-locality in the Everettian context many times. 
>>>>>> The simplest demonstration was in the timelike separation of Alice and 
>>>>>> Bob's measurements. It is in the archives if you don't recall the 
>>>>>> details. The argument then is that any local influence that would 
>>>>>> explain the timelike separated measurements must also work for spacelike 
>>>>>> separated measurements, and that is not possible.
>>>>> At all time there is an infinity of “worlds”. When Alice chose her 
>>>>> direction, that remains true, and her measurement will tell us if she 
>>>>> belongs to a world with “spin” down or up, she will automatically know 
>>>>> that whatever Bob she will meet, will have the corresponding results, no 
>>>>> action at a distance here.
>>>> Again, you keep referring to this non-existent infinity of worlds —
>>> “worlds” would be better.
>>>> a notion that has nothing to do with Everett or his interpretation of 
>>>> quantum theory. "... She will automatically know that whatever Bob she 
>>>> will meet, will have the corresponding results...". This is precisely the 
>>>> question that you have not answered -- how does this happen?
>>> Because in ALL “worlds” Alice and Bob have they spin described by the 
>>> no-separable singlet state. The statistics seems non-local, due to their 
>>> ignorance of which partition of the wave function they belong to.
>> No, due to the fact that any any "world" in which they find themselves the 
>> correlations indicate non-locality.
> Yes, but not any action at a distance. 
>>>> What is the particular magic that you put in the mix to ensure that the 
>>>> correct correlations emerge?
>>> Only QM, without collapse.
>> That is truly magical, and you have no evidence for this whatsoever.
> It follows from both QM and Comp. If Alice and Bob are space-separated, I 
> cannot even makes sense of how you can measure correlations, given that once 
> they are separated, whatever result they got, will be shared with different 
> Alice and Bob in different branch. 
> Bruno, please get a clue. In Bell experiments Alice and Bob are NOT 
> space-separated.

Only when they prepare the singlet state, but then they separate. 

> They are in the same laboratory! It's from the correlation results that 
> action at a space-separated "influences" is INFERRED. It was Bell's theorem 
> that allowed such experiments to be done, since prior to that, and presently, 
> and forever, it's IMPOSSIBLE in principle to space-separate Alice and Bob, 
> and do measurements on both. AG

That is exactly what did aspect. To measure simultaneously, relatively to the 
laboratory frame the two entangled photons.

> I am not even sure we can define what could be an action at a distance in the 
> quantum formalism.
> It means, for the singlet state, that conservation of spin angular momentum 
> is conserved for space-separated events. Not saying I believe it, but that's 
> what it MEANS. AG

I knew that, but I suspect space and time and space/time to be quantum 

> The notion does not even makes sense when we assume special relativity. The 
> only reason to believe this is the habit to think that there is only one bob 
> and one Alice,
> To believe there are additional Alice's and Bob's is ridiculous on its face. 
> Admit it! AG

On the contrary. I claimed this before having heard of foundational problem in 
physics. It is provable in al possible mechanist theories of brain. You cannot 
make a machine disappear from arithmetic, like you cannot make a number 


> which makes no sense once separated, unless they are correlated with a third 
> observer, but then, again by looking at the wave without collapse, there will 
> be no action at a distance. The no locality is only an appearance due to the 
> fact that we belong to infinities of histories, and cannot known which one we 
> are in.
> Bruno
>> Bruce
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