On Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 8:57:16 AM UTC-5, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 10:51:13 AM UTC, Bruce wrote:
>> From: Bruno Marchal <mar...@ulb.ac.be>
>> On 22 Apr 2018, at 01:47, Bruce Kellett <bhke...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
>> From: smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl>
>> On 22-04-2018 00:18, Brent Meeker wrote:
>>> On 4/21/2018 12:42 PM, smitra wrote:
>>>> That's then an artifact of invoking an effective collapse of the 
>>>> wavefunction due to introducing the observer. The correlated two particle 
>>>> state is either put in by hand or one has shown how it was created. In the 
>>>> former case one is introducing non-local effects in an ad-hoc way in a 
>>>> theory that only has local interactions, so there is then nothing to 
>>>> explain in that case. In the latter case, the entangled state itself 
>>>> results from the local dynamics, one can put ALice and Bob at far away 
>>>> locations there and wait until the two particles arrive at their 
>>>> locations. 
>>>> The way the state vectors of the entire system that now also includes the 
>>>> state vectors of Alice and Bob themselves evolve, has no nontrivial 
>>>> non-local effects in them at all.
>>> Sure it does.  The state vector itself is a function of spacelike
>>> separate events, which cause it to evolve into orthogonal
>>> components...whose statistics violated Bell's inequality.
>>> Brent
>> There is no non-locality implied here unless you assume that the dynamics 
>> as predicted by QM is the result of a local hidden variables theory.
>> Saibal
>> There is no need to suggest local (or non-local) hidden variables. The 
>> non-locality we are talking about is implied by the quantum state itself -- 
>> nothing to do with the dynamics.
>> But that type of non-locality has never been questioned, neither in the 
>> MWI, or a fortiori in QM+collapse. But the MWI explains without the need of 
>> “mysterious” influence-at-a-distance, which would be the case in the 
>> mono-universe theory, or in Bohm-De Broglie pilot wave theory. Without 
>> dynamic we have “only” d’Espagnat type of inseparability.
>> Bruno
>> It seems that you are starting to see it from my perspective. 
>> Non-locality is just another way of emphasizing the non-separablity of the 
>> quantum singlet state. As you say, this is true in MWI as in collapse 
>> theories. In my extended development of the mathematics in another recent 
>> post, I demonstrated that there is actually no difference between MWI and 
>> CI in this regard. All that we have is the non-separability of the state, 
>> which means that a measurement on one particle affects the result of 
>> measurements on the other -- they are inseparable. This is all that 
>> non-locality means, and this is not changed by MWI. An awful lot of 
>> nonsense has been talked about this -- people trying to find a "mechanism" 
>> for the inseparability -- but that is not necessary. Quantum theory 
>> requires it, and it has been totally vindicated by experiment. That is the 
>> way things are, in one world or many.
>> Bruce
> You place great faith in the singlet wf. But how can you legitimately 
> treat the system quantum mechanically if you assume zero uncertainty in the 
> total spin AM? AG

Ah yes, but far greater fun is found in the triplet state!


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