> On 2 May 2018, at 10:53, agrayson2...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Tuesday, May 1, 2018 at 3:36:31 PM UTC, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 29 Apr 2018, at 08:21, 'scerir' via Everything List 
>> <everyth...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>> wrote:
>> IMO Schroedinger invented this manyworlds or manyminds or manywords 
>> interpretation.
> The quote below seems to indicate that this is not the case, unless you agree 
> (with me, and Deutsch, …) that QM *is* the discovery of the many superposed 
> worlds/states/minds, and that the founder added the collapse postulate ONLY 
> to avoid the proliferation of the alternate worlds/states/minds. Everett is 
> just the guy who realise that the MW does not leads to a jelly quagmire of 
> everything, by taking the first person view (what he called subjective) of 
> the observers, as their memories get as much quasi orthogonal that the 
> results they could have attributed to a collapse. The collapse, and the 
> irreversibility is purely “subjective” (first person) and irreversible in 
> principle for *us*. To reverse the entire universal wave, we would need to go 
> outside the physical universe in some practical way, which, needless to say, 
> is rather difficult.
> But I do agree with you, Schroedinger and Einstein understood that the 
> collapse was a problem for the rest of physics and philosophy. They were 
> rightly skeptical that Bohr and Heisenberg got the whole thing. Would have 
> they like Everett? Bohr just threw Everett out of his home, I have read 
> somewhere. I think Einstein would have prefer it to anything involving an 
> action at a distance, like Bohm’s theory (non local hidden variable theory). 
> Indeed, as you all know, Einstein told that he would have prefered to be a 
> plumber than be involved in a theory with some action-at-a distance.
> Bruno
> Relativity affirms action at a distance.


Relativity is born with Einstein trying, and succeeding, to eliminate the 
action at a distance in Newton’s theory of gravitation, and in Maxwell ’s 
theory of electromagnetism.

Einstein found physical indeterminacy, and physical action at a distance making 
no sense at all. But with the MW theory, neither the indeterminacy, nor the 
“action-at-distance” are physical. They are only local appearances. (Like we 
expect with digital mechanism).

> My sense is that Einstein would have found the MWI "repellent" (to quote 
> Weinberg).

Plausiby. But I guess Einstein would have found the MW far less conceptually 
repellent than physical action at a distance.

> He would have found it excessively ornate,

Or excessively elegant. Somehow, Everett is to Copenhagen what General 
relativity is to special direction, albeit in epistemological direction.

Everett is just the preceding theory (Copenhagen , that Schroedinger/Dirac/etc. 
 equation + collapse (and a strange dualist theory)), where Everett is just 
taking Schroedinger equation seriously. 

And then Everett confirmed the consequence of an even simpler theory, which is 
actually a theorem already of Peano Arithmetic. The theory that there is a 
universal machine. Now it is a theorem that all universal machine dreams that 
they are all universal machine, and they define a “consciousness flux” which 
differentiate into consistent, sound and unsound, theories and experiments, and 
first person experience, justifying, testable, the core of all geographical 
histories, the physical laws.

Why add a collapse axiom? To satisfy the ego to be unique? The “many-world” is 
only the wave equation, or the Heisenberg matrices, with an internal relative 
states interpretation, which requires only the Gleason measure. 

> or to quote Nietzsche when discussing Christianity, "rococo".  AG 

Which Christianity? Hypatia, who taught Plotinus Neoplatonism and Diophantus' 
Mathematics in Alexandria was confronted, at about +400, with two types of 
Christians. The educated one, knowing about Plato and discussing theology, and 
well versed in mathematics (which was a prerequisite in theology) and then a 
growing number of literalist radicals. Yet the emperor Constantin, who will 
convert to christianism is still an open minded christian, tempering the 
authoritarian *blasphemy*. It will take Justinian to call “pagan” or “heretic” 
(I think) the non confessional theologian, basically forbidding theology to 
science, and science to theology, enforcing their separation. It is normal that 
the most fundamental science get stolen by authoritarian powers (by definition: 
the original question was not much more than is mathematics or physics or 
something else where we must search the first principles?). 
Enlightenment will be transformed when theology is back at the faculty of 
science (as a domain of reason, even if it surfs at the limit of Reason, and 
explore the surrational in between the provable and the false (the true but not 
provable about us).

The God/Non-God debate hides the original more interesting question; Physical 
Universe or (Universal) Number Prestidigitation? 

If you believe that a Physical Universe can alter the destiny of the arithmetic 
soul, you will have to explain how.

Everett or mechanism follow the conceptual Occam rule: in the fundamental 
matter, don’t add axioms just to make your wish true. Especially if they lead 
to insuperable problems of interpretation.


>>> Il 28 aprile 2018 alle 23.01 agrays...@gmail.com <javascript:> ha scritto: 
>>> On Saturday, April 28, 2018 at 5:55:16 AM UTC, scerir wrote:
>>>> I think Schroedinger and his cat bear some responsibility.  In trying to 
>>>> debunk Born's probabilistic interpretation he appealed to the absurdity of 
>>>> observation changing the physical state...even though no one had actually 
>>>> proposed that.  
>>>> Brent 
>>> “The idea that the alternate measurement outcomes be not alternatives but 
>>> all really happening simultaneously seems lunatic to the quantum theorist, 
>>> just impossible. He thinks that if the laws of nature took this form for, 
>>> let me say, a quarter of an hour, we should find our surroundings rapidly 
>>> turning into a quagmire, a sort of a featureless jelly or plasma, all 
>>> contours becoming blurred, we ourselves probably becoming jelly fish. It is 
>>> strange that he should believe this. For I understand he grants that 
>>> unobserved nature does behave this way – namely according to the wave 
>>> equation. . . . according to the quantum theorist, nature is prevented from 
>>> rapid jellification only by our perceiving or observing it.”
>>> -Erwin Schroedinger, The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. Dublin 
>>> Seminars (1949-1955) and Other Unpublished Assays (Ox Bow Press, 
>>> Woodbridge, Connecticut, 1995).
>>> Who is Schrodinger referring to? This was written before 1957, when Everett 
>>> published his MWI.? Were other theorists advancing the idea that all 
>>> alternatives are physically manifested in reality? AG 
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