On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 8:12 PM, Russell Standish <li...@hpcoders.com.au>

> >
>> ​>​
>> I think you're confused about the difference between what a model says
>> and what reality says. One model may say you can safely march across that
>> bridge and another model might say the bridge will collapse, but it makes
>> no difference which model you believe when you cross th​
>> ​e​
>> bridge, it will either fall down or it won't.
> *​> ​Unfortunately you are using "model" in a different sense to how
> Bruno(or logicians generally) uses it. The real world bridge is a​ ​model.*

If the real world bridge is a model then give me a example of something
that is not a model, if you can not then the word "model" has no meaning.
Unlike the Continuum Hypothesis the Goldbach Conjecture is subject to the
potential of experimental falsification, if logicians eventually proved
that it is true, that is to say they started with nothing but their axioms
and derived it, but then the next day a computer found a huge even number
that was NOT the sum of two prime numbers I think logicians would be very
upset, or at least the competent ones would be. I think they would say that
shows their present axioms must not be "sound" in the technical sense and
need to be modified. I don't think they would say "the laws of physics that
the computer runs on must be wrong and our model is right and every even
number is the sum of two primes and thats that and I don't want to hear
anymore about it"; but if I'm wrong and they did say that then I would no
longer be interested in anything logicians said in the future because they
would be jackasses. But I don’t think they’re jackasses because good
logicians know there is a difference between proof and truth, physics will
always tell you the truth but a proof is only as good as the axioms it is
based on.

> ​> ​
> *Your models would be called theories, and the real world bridge​ ​either
> satisfies it or not.*

You say the real world bridge is a theory, so now we have theories about
theories? Give me an example of something that is not a theory, if you can
not then like "model" the word "theory" has no meaning either.

 John K Clark​


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