> On 5 Aug 2018, at 20:47, 'scerir' via Everything List 
> <everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> Il 4 agosto 2018 alle 23.32 agrayson2...@gmail.com ha scritto: 
>> AFAIK, no one has ever observed a probability wave, from which I conclude 
>> the wave function has only epistemic content. So I have embraced the "shut 
>> up and calculate" interpretation of the wave function. I also see a 
>> connection between the True Believers of the MWI, and Trump sycophants; they 
>> seem immune to simple facts, such as the foolishness of thinking copies of 
>> observers can occur, or be created, willy-nilly. AG 
> Frankly I cannot understand, from the following famous page, whether 
> Schroedinger thinks the wavefunction as ontic or epistermic or both!

Schroedinger just expressed the difficulties, the seemingly contradiction. He 
witness that measurement seems to not obey to the wave. He is troubled, and it 
is normal. He is on the good direction, hesitating between the ontic and the 

Bohr rejected Everett literally, but Schroedinger would have offered a cup of 
coffee at least, perhaps listen, and get troubled. It is normal.


> Erwin Schroedinger - § 7. The psi-Function as a Catalogue of Expectations. 
> Continuing with the exposition of the official teaching, let us turn to the 
> psi-function
> mentioned above (§ 5). It is now the instrument for predicting the 
> probability of
> measurement outcomes. It embodies the totality of theoretical future 
> expectations, as laid
> down in a catalogue. It is, at any moment in time, the bridge of relations 
> and restrictions
> between different measurements, as were in the classical theory the model and 
> its state at
> any given time. The psi-function has also otherwise much in common with this 
> classical
> state. In principle, it is also uniquely determined by a finite number of 
> suitably chosen
> measurements on the object, though half as many as in the classical theory. 
> Thus is the
> catalogue of expectations laid down initially. From then on, it changes with 
> time, as in
> the classical theory, in a well-defined and deterministic ("causal") way - 
> the development
> of the psi-function is governed by a partial differential equation (of first 
> order in the time
> variable, and resolved for dy/dt). This corresponds to the undisturbed motion 
> of the
> model in the classical theory. But that lasts only so long until another 
> measurement is
> undertaken. After every measurement, one has to attribute to the psi-function 
> a curious,
> somewhat sudden adaptation, which depends on the measurement result and is 
> therefore
> unpredictable. This alone already shows that this second type of change of 
> the psi-function
> has nothing to do with the regular development between two measurements. The 
> sudden
> change due to measurement is closely connected with the discussion in § 5, 
> and we will
> consider it in depth in the following. It is the most interesting aspect of 
> the whole theory,
> and it is precisely this aspect that requires a breach with naive realism. 
> For this reason,
> the psi-function cannot immediately replace the model or the real thing. And 
> this is not
> because a real thing or a model could not in principle undergo sudden 
> unpredictable
> changes, but because from a realistic point of view, measurements are natural 
> phenomena
> like any other, and should not by themselves cause a sudden interruption of 
> the regular
> evolution in Nature. 
> -- 
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