I'm confused about the universe expanding faster than light speed. Anyone
care to explain or cite a ref? Thanks, m.a.

On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 4:01 PM Philip Thrift <cloudver...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 2:48:53 PM UTC-5, Philip Thrift wrote:
>> On Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 11:47:46 AM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>> On 6 Sep 2018, at 17:04, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 4:23:23 AM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>>> On 5 Sep 2018, at 18:58, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Wednesday, September 5, 2018 at 9:12:49 AM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 5 Sep 2018, at 11:54, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Wednesday, September 5, 2018 at 2:28:39 AM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 2 Sep 2018, at 21:32, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On Sunday, September 2, 2018 at 8:15:01 AM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>>>>>> On 30 Aug 2018, at 01:04, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 4:55:12 PM UTC-5, Brent wrote:
>>>>>>>> Do you have some evidence for doubting CT?  It seems that it's
>>>>>>>> essentially a definition of digital computation.  So you could
>>>>>>>> offer
>>>>>>>> some other definition, but it would need to be realisable.
>>>>>>>> Brent
>>>>>>>> On 8/29/2018 12:12 PM, Philip Thrift wrote:
>>>>>>>> > also thought by some in what I call the UCNC gang
>>>>>>>> Also thought WHAT?
>>>>>>> In terms of theory, Joel David  Hamkins  @*JDHamkins*
>>>>>>> <https://twitter.com/JDHamkins>   (the set-theorist now at Oxford)
>>>>>>> considers infinite-time TMs to be a part of "computation":
>>>>>>>                 http://jdh.hamkins.org/ittms/
>>>>>>> If computation is the fundamental "substrate" of nature, and  ITTMs
>>>>>>> are "natural" extensions of TMs, there is no reason to exclude ITTMs.
>>>>>>> I have explained in this list, and in my papers, that Church’s
>>>>>>> thesis (with Mechanism) entails that matter and nature are non 
>>>>>>> computable.
>>>>>>> Elementary arithmetic realise/emulate all computations, and physics is
>>>>>>> reduced into a statistic on all computations, which is not something a
>>>>>>> priori computable. If mechanism is refuted some day, it will be by 
>>>>>>> showing
>>>>>>> that nature is “too much computable”, not by showing that nature is not
>>>>>>> computable. Mechanism in cognitive science is incompatible with 
>>>>>>> Mechanism
>>>>>>> in physics. Now, it could be that the only not computable things is 
>>>>>>> just a
>>>>>>> random oracle, but this does not change the class of computable 
>>>>>>> function.
>>>>>>> It would change the class of polynomial-time computable function, as we
>>>>>>> suspect nature do, but that confirms mechanism which predicts this.
>>>>>>> But what does the presence of ITTMs  mean for the CT thesis? Whether
>>>>>>> ITTMs are "realizable" remains to be seen.
>>>>>>> The CT thesis identifies human intuitively computable functions with
>>>>>>> functions programmable on a computer. It is a priori neutral on what the
>>>>>>> physical reality can compute. With mechanism, CT entails the existence 
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> non emulable phenomena by computer “in real time”.
>>>>>>> In terms of practice, UCNC people think that computers made with
>>>>>>> non-standard materials, e.g. "live" bioware produced by synthetic 
>>>>>>> biology,
>>>>>>> could have novel computational (behavioural) abilities not equivalently
>>>>>>> replicable in a simulation.
>>>>>>> Quantum computer can emulate some piece of matter more quickly than
>>>>>>> a classical computer. But that was a prediction of mechanism. You can 
>>>>>>> read
>>>>>>> the basic explanation in my paper here if interested.
>>>>>>> B. Marchal. The Origin of Physical Laws and Sensations. In 4th
>>>>>>> International System Administration and Network Engineering Conference,
>>>>>>> SANE 2004, Amsterdam, 2004.
>>>>>>> http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~marchal/publications/SANE2004MARCHALAbstract.html
>>>>>>> (sane04)
>>>>>>> The key notion if the “first person indeterminacy” which is just the
>>>>>>> fact that if we are machine, we are duplicable, and duplicated in
>>>>>>> arithmetic, and whatever we predict about our first person experience is
>>>>>>> indeterminate on the set of all computations (in arithmetic) which go
>>>>>>> through our local and actual state of mind (that is: an infinity).
>>>>>>> Physicalism is refuted with mechanism, and becomes a branch of machine
>>>>>>> psychology, or better machine theology (the study of the non provable 
>>>>>>> true
>>>>>>> propositions).
>>>>>>> I am just know writing a post on why Church’s thesis is a
>>>>>>> quasi-miracle in mathematics and epistemology. In particular it entails 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> incompleteness phenomenon, from which we can derive mathematically the
>>>>>>> physical laws. That makes Mechanism testable, and indeed, we recover
>>>>>>> already the quantum logical core of the formalism.
>>>>>>> Bruno
>>>>>> This is very interesting. (I've written about the irreducibility of
>>>>>> "matter" to physics, e.g.,
>>>>>> [
>>>>>> https://codicalist.wordpress.com/2018/06/20/materialism-vs-physicalism/
>>>>>> ].)
>>>>>> I will take a look, but feel free to explain the basic.
>>>>>> Do you see what role a "multiverse perspective of mathematical truth"
>>>>>> could play in your theory?
>>>>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joel_David_Hamkins#Philosophy_of_set_theory
>>>>>> https://arxiv.org/abs/1108.4223
>>>>>> I am not sure why you say that the the universe of set is well
>>>>>> defined. To be franc, although I am realist on arithmetic, I am not for 
>>>>>> set
>>>>>> theory, nor analysis, second ordre arithmetic.
>>>>>> Most set theories that I know are first order theory, ans thus they
>>>>>> have infinitely many non-isomorphic models, including enumerable one. A
>>>>>> problem here is that we call set theory, well set theory or theory of 
>>>>>> sets,
>>>>>> when we should say “theory of universes” (in the math sense of universes 
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> set), if we use “of” like in theory of groups, or we should call “theory 
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> groups” a theory of vectors, or a theory of transformation. That gives 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> feeling that set theory admit one clear model, but it has many. 
>>>>>> Arithmetic
>>>>>> also has many non-isomorphic models, but most people agree on a notion of
>>>>>> standard model, which lacks for set. Also, there are many set theories,
>>>>>> which all have different models, but quite different theorems too. In 
>>>>>> Quine
>>>>>> set theory (New Foundations, NF), the universes can belong to themselves,
>>>>>> which is not the case in Zermelo-Fraekel of Von Neuman Bernays Gödel set
>>>>>> theories. That is a reason why I prefer to put “set theory” in the 
>>>>>> catalog
>>>>>> of the mind of the universal machine looking at itself.
>>>>>> Once we postulate Mechanism, the “cardinality” of the mathematical
>>>>>> "universe" becomes undecidable, and it is simpler to use enumerable 
>>>>>> models.
>>>>>> In fact, the standard model of arithmetic is already too much big, and we
>>>>>> can decide to postulate only the “sigma_1 truth”, or the “PI_1 truth”, 
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> is the truth of the proposition having the shape ExP(x,y) with P 
>>>>>> decidable
>>>>>> (and their negations). That is, we need only the notion of computation
>>>>>> (which provably exists in any Sigma_1 complete (= Turing universal) 
>>>>>> theory.
>>>>>> We do get a constructive “multiverse” of some sort, which I call 
>>>>>> Universal
>>>>>> Dovetailer. It is a program which generates all programs, and executes 
>>>>>> them
>>>>>> all, in a dovetailed way, pieces by pieces to avoid being stuck in non
>>>>>> terminating computations (something that I have just explained to be non
>>>>>> predictable in advance). From this I have extracted the mathematics of a
>>>>>> physical multiverse, but that structure is phenomenological: it exist 
>>>>>> only
>>>>>> in the mind of the machines (naturally implemented in arithmetic). 
>>>>>> Physics
>>>>>> becomes a statistics on computations, and the math fit well with some
>>>>>> version of Quantum Mechanics, until now.
>>>>>> More on this later, very plausibly.
>>>>>> Bruno
>>>>> On the reduction of all matter to physics:
>>>>> I consider "all matter" to include everything studied by natural
>>>>> sciences: physics, chemistry, biology, etc. I cite in some of my Notes* 
>>>>> the
>>>>> concept that there may be "laws" of chemistry (or biology) that cannot be
>>>>> "reduced" to "laws" of physics.
>>>>> * e.g.   87. Backward and Downward!
>>>>> https://codicalist.wordpress.com/2018/07/06/backward-and-downward/
>>>>> (the references there  to "downward causation")
>>>>> There is another term:  Incommensurability of the sciences
>>>>> https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/incommensurability/
>>>>> http://depa.fquim.unam.mx/sieq/Documentos/floresgallegosgarritzgarciaincommensurabilityse2007.pdf
>>>>> The idea is that the spectrum of matter (from particles to people) has
>>>>> a spectrum of laws.
>>>>> On a (computational) universal dovetailer and its relationship to
>>>>> conscious matter: worth finding out more.
>>>>> I can explain that IF we assume that the brain or the body is Turing
>>>>> emulable, then everything can be reduced to arithmetic. Note that
>>>>> arithmetic is not a computable thing (the computable part of arithmetic is
>>>>> a very tiny part of arithmetic). It makes machine theology becoming the
>>>>> fundamental science. In particular physics and the natural science get
>>>>> reduced to “machine theology”, and this has been proven constructively: so
>>>>> that physics is deducible from arithmetical self-reference. That makes
>>>>> mechanism testable by comparing the physics deducible from theology with
>>>>> the physics inferred from observation. This works (until now), where
>>>>> physicalism does not work (as most people grasping the mind)body problem
>>>>> are more or less aware since long).
>>>>> I can agree that there is a spectrum of laws, that is the natural case
>>>>> in computer science. To understand a brain by studying neurons cannot 
>>>>> work.
>>>>> It would be like trying to understand Big Blue strategy to win Chess game
>>>>> by studying the electronic gates. That might explain how some strategy is
>>>>> implemented, but that will not put light on which strategy is used.
>>>>> I am skeptical on (primary) matter. That is not used in physics, only
>>>>> in metaphysics, and its use is more like the use of God in some 
>>>>> theologies:
>>>>> to prevent the search of theories and make people stopping asking 
>>>>> question.
>>>>> What is matter? If I may ask? What are your evidence for all is
>>>>> matter? And are you open to the mechanist theory of mind? (The idea that
>>>>> there is no magic operating in a brain, or the idea that we could survive
>>>>> with a digital brain transplant, obtained by copying it at some level of
>>>>> description). Mechanism is my working hypothesis, and it makes primary
>>>>> matter very doubtful. We get a simpler explanation of both mind and
>>>>> matter-appearances without it, as matter, nor a god, can select a
>>>>> computation in arithmetic.
>>>>> The notion of computation is a purely mathematical (arithmetical)
>>>>> notion. It should not be confused with the notion of physical computation,
>>>>> which will appear to be a very special case, observable by the average
>>>>> universal (digital) machine/number from inside arithmetic.
>>>>> Bruno
>>>> I have mainly followed the perspective of the late Turing scholar S.
>>>> Barry Cooper
>>>> [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S._Barry_Cooper ]:
>>>> *Incomputability after Alan Turing*
>>>> [ https://arxiv.org/abs/1304.6363 ]
>>>> I appreciate very much Barry Cooper. He invited me at one of the
>>>> European Meeting on Computability (CiE).
>>>> It is there that I prenseted my Plotinus paper (accessible on my URL
>>>> frontage).
>>>> Basically: We don't know the full nature of physical [ that is,
>>>> material ] computation.
>>>> OK. But Feynman and Dutch, like Landauer and Bekenstein did great
>>>> advances. Of course many great questions remain unsolved.
>>>> Corollary: We don't know the full nature of matter.
>>>> I can explain in all details that “matter” (in its usual occidental
>>>> sense of primary substance) does not make sense once we postulate (Digital)
>>>> Mechanism. To put it simply: matter do not exist. There is no physical
>>>> universe, … or Mechanism is false, but there are no evidence for that. On
>>>> the contrary, modern physics sides more and more with the immaterialist
>>>> theology/metaphysics. The more we observe nature, the more we guess the
>>>> deep mathematical reality at its origin.
>>>> Computation without matter, even though we don't know completely what
>>>> matter is (like Kant's noumenon) remains a ghostly entity,
>>>> Here I disagree. Unless you mean that 2+2=4 is a ghostly truth (in
>>>> which case I invite you to convince my taxe inspector!
>>>> The (arithmetical) notion of computation is a astonishingly clear
>>>> mathematical notion thanks to Church thesis. It admit an infinity of
>>>> apparently very different definitions, yet they can be shown equivalent,
>>>> and indeed equivalent to very simple definition of them, like I illustrate
>>>> with the combinators. It is a unique fact in the history of mathematics: an
>>>> epistemological (computable) notion which get a precise mathematical (even
>>>> arithmetical) definition. I am as sure about the existence of computations
>>>> than I am about the existence of prime numbers. I am less sure of
>>>> Mechanism, but then that is why I proposed an experimental testing
>>>> procedure, and as I said, physics confirms Mechanism (up to now at least,
>>>> thanks mainly to quantum-mechanics-without-collapse).
>>>> one where there is no real experientiality (like the pleasure of eating
>>>> a candy bar).
>>>> On the contrary, the logic of self-reference explains both qualia and
>>>> quanta, and link them without using the brain-mind identity thesis, which
>>>> has been debunked in the frame of Mechanism. Why would there be no real
>>>> experience, and how could you know that? Yet, your position might be
>>>> coherent: if matter exist and play a role in consciousness, then we cannot
>>>> be digital machine, and there must be actual infinities in nature. But that
>>>> seems rather speculative, given the absence of evidence for both actual
>>>> infinite in Nature, and the evidences for mechanism (Darwin theory of
>>>> evolution uses mechanism quasi explicitly, for example).
>>>> So, you would not accept a digital brain transplant (in theory, in
>>>> practice me too!). That seems to me like invoking something more complex
>>>> that what we want to explain, to avoid searching an explanation. Matter is
>>>> a speculative hypothesis in metaphysics without evidences, and which hides
>>>> more the problem than clarifying it, I think. I prefer to assume Mechanism,
>>>> and see if we are lead to absurdity or to facts contradicted by nature. But
>>>> the most startling fact predicted by Mechanim, —the fact that physics is a
>>>> statistic on many computations is somehow confirmed by Quantum Mechanics
>>>> (without collapse). Then it took me 30 years to confirms this
>>>> mathematically (using the self-reference logics of Gödel, Löb and Solovay).
>>>> Bruno.
>>> My own (hypothetical) course in Philosophy of Mathematics would begin
>>> with this slide:
>>>     *"There are no such things as mathematical objects.”*
>>> With mechanism, we are mathematical object, and the physical reality is
>>> a mathematical phenomenon, so there is no physical object per se. That does
>>> not threat the existence of the moon, of galaxies, or bosons and fermions,
>>> but such existence becomes phenomenological, yet more universal in the
>>> sense that the core of the physical laws is the same for all universal
>>> machine, the rest becomes historico-geographical differentiations.
>>> Mechanism makes it possible to delineate the indexical geography from what
>>> are genuinely univarsable laws for the universal machine observable.
>>> cf. https://twitter.com/philipthrift/status/1029079439190228992
>>> *Mathematical pulp fictionalism* [
>>> https://codicalist.wordpress.com/2018/08/26/mathematical-pulp-fictionalism/
>>> ]
>>> ref: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/fictionalism-mathematics/
>>> That being the first principle, I would say what does exist are material
>>> objects. And then proceed from there.
>>> You will have to say “no” to the doctor proposing you a digital brain
>>> transplant. If we survive such transplants, we survive in the infinitely
>>> many continuations that are emulated in arithmetic, and the laws of physics
>>> are determined  by what is provable in all such continuations, which is
>>> then mathematically recovered by nuances on provability logic imposed by
>>> incompleteness. It works actually, until now, formally, and intuitively if
>>> you agree with QM-without collapse.
>>> I avoid as much as possible to use any hypothesis in philosophy of
>>> mathematics, as the Mechanist Hypothesis in ogive science is so strong as
>>> to reset what we can sought on this. Contrary to what many people think,
>>> Mechanism is incompatible with Materialism. It explains the observable
>>> without any ontological commitment other than what is needed to define the
>>> notion of computation (and this requires nothing more than what is required
>>> in elementary arithmetic, or combinator theory, or anything equivalent with
>>> respect to computability).
>>> It uses only arithmetical realism, and recently I have discovered that
>>> it works even with some form of ultrafinitism. My “theory” seems to be the
>>> common base of all possible theories. A non arithmetical realist is someone
>>> who disbelieve that it is false that a digital machine stops or not.
>>> I doubt less 2+2=4 than F=ma or the SWE, or the existence of the moon,
>>> or my body, which are among what I try to explain from simple things, like
>>> "x+2 = 9 has a solution”.
>>> When you say “there is no mathematical object?” What do you mean. Please
>>> make your point here, and refers only for more detailed and lengthy
>>> treatment. To me, even without Mechanism, it seems that the notion of
>>> physical object is far less clear than mathematical object. I am not sure
>>> modern physics can define what is a physical object: you need a “theory of
>>> everything physical” for that, but gravitation and the quantum makes the
>>> big picture still not accessible. Mechanism does not (yet) seem to imply
>>> that the physical reality is, or not, immune to diagonalisation, so some
>>> universal number can still play some role in the physical reality, but we
>>> are far to know that, and the theory would still be a description of number
>>> relations. With mechanism, we can associate minds only to infinities of
>>> computations. Assuming physical object gives them a magical ability to
>>> deflect your consciousness in arithmetic, in a way which is not explainable
>>> when we assume Mechanism.
>>> Just to say that at some point you will need some non mechanist theory
>>> of mind, if you really want to have physicalist primary objects. Of course,
>>> I will also ask you some theory about those objects.
>>> Assuming Matter is a bit like assuming God. I can accept that things
>>> like that exists phenomenologically, and perhaps ontologically. But even in
>>> that case, invoking them does not help to explain them. I prefer to start
>>> from what I am the closest to certainty, like 2+2=4, or SKKK = K.
>>> Bruno
>> By  *"There are no such things as mathematical objects”* (quoted from
>> the SEP article "Fictionalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics") I mean
>> that in the language(s) of mathematics (including arithmetic), the objects
>> referred to are fictional and do not exist; as in vampire stories, the
>> vampire is a fictional object that does not exist. So the 2 in "2+2=4" is a
>> fictional object: it does not exist.
>> - Philip Thrift
> On "digital machines", of course all material machines have to stop
> operation eventually given that this universe won't go on forever (unless
> "fictional" black hole computers are possible).
> - Philip Thrift
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