On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 4:28 AM Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

>>> *Speed is a physical attribute.*
> >>Then numbers are physical attributes too because 1 Hydrogen atom
>> behaves differently than 2 Hydrogen atoms.

*>The number of atoms is physical, yes, but that does not mean that a
> number is physical per se.*

Why not? You say speed is physical and speed modifies matter (2 electrons
that collide slowly behave differently than 2 electrons that collide
swiftly) and its exactly the same with numbers, they also modify matter (2
electrons behave differently than 1 electron).

I also note that you claim nonphysical calculations can be performed, but
you also say space and time and even spacetime are physical, so how can you
have change without them and how can you have calculations without change?

>>>>Wow, even qualia is matter!


> >>So now qualia, the last remaining holdout, joins the ranks of "physical
> attributes" and the term loses the last shred of meaning it had.

 >*Please quote the whole sentence. Qualia are physical sensatio*

Electromagnetic waves of 650 nanometers is physical , the color red is a
qualia and can be produced without Electromagnetic waves of any sort.

> >The greeks...

....were ignoramuses that only the foolish believe can cast any light on
modern cutting edge scientific questions.

> >In your Aristotelian metaphysics, I guess ....

... I guess Aristotle was the worst physicist who ever lived and only fools
with crackpot ideas think that referring to him and other ancient Greeks in
every other sentence helps to bolster their cause.

*>Still the same confusion between a computation (a purely mathematical
> notion) and a physical computation, *

I'm not confused at all, I'm very clear on the fact that a "purely
mathematical notion of computation" can't compute a damn thing anymore than
the blueprints for a 747 airliner can fly me to London.

I must say I was disappointed you didn't comment on my discovery of "banana
indeterminacy" that stands with your own discovery of "first person
indeterminacy. I repeat it here:

This is not limited just to issues concerning mind or consciousness. There
is also no algorithm for answering the question "what one and only one
thing will happen to one banana after one banana  becomes 2 bananas?". And
the reason there is no such algorithm for a mind or a banana is exactly the
same, it is a idiotic question.

John K Clark

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