On Monday, October 29, 2018 at 5:15:28 PM UTC-5, John Clark wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 5:21 PM <agrays...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote:
> >*If you try to traverse a unit distance in infinite steps such as 1/2, 
>> 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 and so forth, the sum converges to 1, but you will never 
>> traverse the distance even though the sum converges.*
> Never? If what you say is true then calculus is wrong. I don't think 
> calculus is wrong.
> John K Clark 

To a mathematical *ultrafinitist* 
[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultrafinitism ], the standard calculus is 

One can salvage some version of standard calculus, but a lot of care is 
needed to never define any process that assumes a completed infinite number 
of steps.

- pt

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