On Friday, November 23, 2018 at 11:29:14 AM UTC, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 21 Nov 2018, at 18:03, agrays...@gmail.com <javascript:> wrote:
> On Monday, November 19, 2018 at 3:52:37 PM UTC, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 18 Nov 2018, at 14:00, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
>> On Sunday, November 18, 2018 at 12:19:20 PM UTC, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>> On 16 Nov 2018, at 15:38, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> On Friday, November 16, 2018 at 10:14:32 AM UTC, scerir wrote:
>>>> Il 16 novembre 2018 alle 10.19 agrays...@gmail.com ha scritto: 
>>>> On Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 2:14:48 PM UTC, scerir wrote:
>>>> Il 15 novembre 2018 alle 14.29 agrays...@gmail.com ha scritto: 
>>>> On Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 8:04:53 AM UTC, scerir wrote:
>>>> Imagine a spin-1/2 particle described by the state psi = sqrt(1/2) 
>>>> [(s+)_z + (s-)_z] .
>>>> If the x-component of spin is measured by passing the spin-1/2 particle 
>>>> through a Stern-Gerlach with its field oriented along the x-axis, the 
>>>> particle will ALWAYS emerge 'up'.
>>>> *Why?  Won't the measured value be along the x axis in both directions, 
>>>> in effect Up or Dn? AG*
>>>> "Hence we must conclude that the system described by the |+>x state is 
>>>> not the
>>>> same as a mixture of atoms in the |+> and !-> states. This means that 
>>>> each atom in the
>>>> beam is in a state that itself is a combination of the |+> and |-> 
>>>> states. A superposition
>>>> state is often called a coherent superposition since the relative phase 
>>>> of the two terms is
>>>> important."
>>>> .see pages 18-19 here *https://tinyurl.com/ybm56whu 
>>>> <https://tinyurl.com/ybm56whu>*
>>>> *Try answering in your own words. When the SG device is oriented along 
>>>> the x axis, now effectively the z-axix IIUC, and we're dealing with 
>>>> superpositions, the outcomes will be 50-50 plus and minus. Therefore, 
>>>> unless I am making some error, what you stated above is incorrect. AG *
>>>> sqrt(1/2) [(s+)_z +(s-)_z]  is a superposition, but since sqrt(1/2) 
>>>> [(s+)_z +(s-)_z]  =  (s+)_x the particle will always emerge 'up'
>>> I'll probably get back to on the foregoing. In the meantime, consider 
>>> this; I claim one can never MEASURE Up + Dn or Up - Dn with a SG apparatus 
>>> regardless of how many other instruments one uses to create a composite 
>>> measuring apparatus (Bruno's claim IIUC). The reason is simple. We know 
>>> that the spin operator 
>>> Which one? 
>> *Good question. AG*
>> There are spin operator for each direction in space. The superposition of 
>>> up and down is a precise pure state, with precise eigenvalues, when 
>>> measuring state in the complementary directions.
>> *As I wrote earlier, based on scerir's superpositions on different axes, 
>> and simulation, I now think that Up + Dn and Up - Dn can be measured along 
>> the x axis but not along the z axis (which I was focused on). *
>> All you need to do is a change of base. The operator will be defined 
>> clearly by the Eigen value on the diagonal in the corresponding base. You 
>> can prepare any state, and measure them “in any base”. 
> *I'll get back to this issue in my next post. AG *
>> *You were probably correct about x axis measurements, but perhaps were 
>> not clear enough. You were not explicit that measurements along the x axis 
>> is a different SG experiment from along z axis.*
>> OK. Sorry. 
>> * I thought you meant do them in succession, not as separate experiments.*
>> Ah? OK.
>> * Also introducing an infinity of universes seems extraneous and 
>> confusing for a solution to this problem. AG *
>> I are probably different on this. I don’t take the word “universe” too 
>> much seriously, as with mechanism we know at the start that there is 
>> “physical universe” at all, just the natural numbers with the laws of 
>> addition and multiplication. Both the computational and the quantum state 
>> are relative, and high level, pertaining to what is “observable” for some 
>> the point of view of some locally finite subject, run by some computation.
>> The empirical point, though, is that to predict correctly an event in 
>> quantum mechanics, we have to take into account may simultaneous 
>> “incompatible path”, like going through each hole in a plane. Quantum 
>> computations, for example, exploits that seemingly parallelism. 
> *I don't like this approach -- in fact I abhor it -- since it implies 
> simultaneous interference among a multitude of paths to the same point on 
> the detection screen. This adds an unnecessary mystery to QM. In the 
> Hilbert Space representation, the wf is what it is, but can be represented 
> in a multitude of different bases. It is therefore misleading to claim the 
> system being analyzed is in a multitude of states; rather it is in one 
> state, which due to linear algebra, has many representations. AG *
> I can be OK with this, if you agree that the consciousness of the observer 
> is relatively associated to those representations, in the base “chosen” by 
> nature in the evolution of the brain. That gives rise to the “relative 
> state” view of QM.

*I don't agree. I am not even sure what you mean. You don't need a 
conscious observer to detect the results of a slit experiment. All you need 
is a detector to record the results. Feynman made this point and I don't 
see anything problem with this logic. The problem IMO with sums over 
histories is that it adds a superfluous mystery (in spades) to the results, 
say, of a slit experiment. We still have the mystery as to why interference 
for every point along the screen in a single trial, yields a single impact. 
But with sums over histories IIUC, for each impact point or result, we also 
have an infinite set of histories which the particle is in simultaneously. 
I don't see that anything has been gained, other than having an additional 
baffling mystery used to sell books which confuse the lay public as well as 
professional physicists. AG *

> has exactly two eigenstates, each with probability of .5. We can write 
>>> them down. We also know that every quantum measurement gives up an 
>>> eigenvalue of some eigenstate. Therefore, if there existed an Up + Dn or Up 
>>> - Dn eigenstate, it would have to have probability ZERO since the Up and Dn 
>>> eigenstates have probabilities which sum to unity. Do you agree or not, and 
>>> if not, why? TIA, AG 
>>> You add the probabilities, but you need to add the amplitudes of 
>>> probabilities instead, and then take their square. You simply dismiss the 
>>> quantum formalism, it seems to me. 
>> *I did not; an incorrect inference on your part.*
>> All right. (I was just trying to figure out what you did, to be sure).
>> *I** never mentioned Born's rule (it wasn't necessary), *
>> You did use the probability 1/2 at some place, with the particle in a 
>> state 1/sqrt(2)(up + down). We use all the time the Born rule when we talk 
>> about measurement. 
> *I just assumed a probability of .5 for Up and Dn states after application 
> of Born's rule. AG *
> That was my point.

*Your point, IIUC, was that I was denying the postulates of QM by ignoring 
Born's Rule, but I was not doing that. I just chose not to mention it. 
Nothing more. AG *

> Bruno
> PS I got a mail back as undelivered. I will try to resend it later.
>> *from which one cannot infer I am criticizing QM itself. AG *
>> I am just trying to understand what you don’t understand, which is not 
>> easy in a context where the more we understand the formalism, the less we 
>> understand what it could mean, even more so if we give sense to a dualist 
>> wave packet reduction. 
>> I am a logician: it is clear that Copenhagen and Everett are not two 
>> different interpretations, but two different theories. One is Schroedinger 
>> equation + wave packet reduction + a dualist theory of mind/observation), 
>> the other is just Schroedinger equation only + the “usual” mechanist theory 
>> of mind. There are many possible debate on all his of course.
>> I urge you to study the treatment of the interferometer in David Albert 
>> books. It is weird. Bohr is right on this: to understand it means to get 
>> the point that is hard to figure out how nature could to that, but from the 
>> mechanist post Gödel view, it is rather natural, as we observe is given by 
>> a statistics on infinitely many computations/histories. 
>> Bruno
>> The states constituted a vector space: the sum (superposition) of 
>>> orthogonal states are pure state, after a change of base, and I did give 
>>> you the corresponding operator. You are not criticising an interpretation 
>>> of QM, but QM itself.
>>> Bruno
>>>> In fact (s+)_z = sqrt(1/2) [(s+)_x + (s-)_x]
>>>> and (s-)_z = sqrt(1/2) [(s+)_x - (s-)_x]
>>>> (where _z, _x, are the z-component and the x-component of spin)
>>>> so that psi = sqrt(1/2)[(s+)_z +(s-)_z] = (s+)_x.   (pure state, not 
>>>> mixture state)..
>>>> AGrayson2000 asked "If a system is in a superposition of states, 
>>>> whatever value measured, will be repeated if the same system is repeatedly 
>>>> measured.  But what happens if the system is in a mixed state?"
>>>> Does Everett's "relative state interpretation" show how to interpret a 
>>>> real superposition (like the above, in which the particle will always 
>>>> emerge 'up') and how to interpret a mixture (in which the particle will 
>>>> emerge 50% 'up' or 50% 'down')?
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