On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 8:18 AM Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

*> Usually, when asked to name a big number, we mean to provide a number
> that e can compute in a finite time (no matter how long). BB(8000) will be
> rejected, because it is not a definite description, or name, because BB is
> not computable.*

Assuming you're just using 2 symbols (like 0 and 1) there are (16001)^8000
different 8000 state Turing Machines. And that is a very large number but a
finite one. And one of those machines makes the largest number of FINITE
operations before halting. And that number of operations is BB(8000).  Even
theoretically, much less practically,  you can never compute that number
but I have given a unique description of it, no other 8000 state Turing
Machine has that propertie.

 John K Clark

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