On Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at 12:05:11 PM UTC-6, Brent wrote:
> On 4/9/2019 7:52 AM, agrays...@gmail.com <javascript:> wrote:
> On Monday, April 8, 2019 at 11:16:25 PM UTC-6, agrays...@gmail.com wrote: 
>> In GR, is there a distinction between coordinate systems and frames of 
>> reference? AG??
> Here's the problem; there's a GR expert known to some members of this 
> list, who claims GR does NOT distinguish coordinate systems from frames of 
> reference. He also claims that given an arbitrary coordinate system on a 
> manifold, and any given point in space-time, it's possible to find a 
> transformation from the given coordinate system (and using Einstein's 
> Equivalence Principle), to another coordinate system which is locally flat 
> at the arbitrarily given point in space-time. This implies that a test 
> particle is in free fall at that point in space-time. But how can changing 
> labels on space-time points, change the physical properties of a test 
> particle at some arbitrarily chosen point in space-time? I believe that 
> such a transformation implies a DIFFERENT frame of reference, in motion, 
> possibly accelerated, from the original frame or coordinate system. Am I 
> correct? TIA, AG
> You're right that a coordinate system is just a function for labeling 
> points and, while is may make the equations messy or simple, it doesn't 
> change the physics.?? If you have two different coordinate systems the 
> transformation between them may be arbitrarily complicated.?? But your last 
> sentence referring to motion as distinguishing a coordinate transform from 
> a reference frame seems to have slipped into a 3D picture.?? In a 4D 
> spacetime, block universe there's no difference between an accelerated 
> reference frame and one defined by coordinates that are not geodesic.
> Brent

Suppose the test particle is on a geodesic path in one coordinate system, 
but in another it's on an approximately flat 4D surface at some point in 
the transformed coordinate system. Doesn't this represent a change in the 
physics via a change in labeling the space-time points?  How is this 
possible without a change in the frame of reference, and if so, how would 
that be described if not by acceleration? AG

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