Of course GR is false since it is just a conceptual construct in 
consciousness that will continue to be replaced by other conceptual 
constructs along the centuries until a final theory will come up that will 
talk directly about red is red. That will be the end point because red will 
not be anymore a conceptual construct, but an element of reality.

Telepathy and recincarnation on the other hand are true because they are 
phenomena directly related to consciousness. It might seem "impossible" to 
you because you have an upside down logic in which you start from an 
invented "physical world" in which beings are "bodies separated spatially" 
and of course that from that fantasy that you create it seems impossible 
for the "soul" to move to another "body separated spatially". But once you 
use the problem downside up logic, you realize that consciousness is all 
there is so there are no more "bodies". There being no more bodies, there 
would be no "soul" to move from one "body" to another. It will just be the 
same consciousnesses that experiences different qualia. And the experience 
of different qualia is the most mundane phenomena that there can be.

Regarding you carbon monoxide, I already told you that evolutionary reasons 
for qualia generation is only part of the mechanism, since there are also 
new qualia that we experience each moment of our lives that clearly don't 
appear as a consequence of life-or-death situation. If you want to hear the 
magic words, here they are: I don't know how qualia are generated.

On Monday, 6 May 2019 19:37:51 UTC+3, Terren Suydam wrote:
> Your turn. Is the theory of general relativity true?  I know your answer. 
> And the fact that you consider telepath and reincarnation to be ideas to 
> take more seriously than general relativity tells me what I need to know.
> You also ignored my point about how carbon monoxide deaths disprove your 
> prediction.

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