Bruno Marchal Wrote:

> >  I can conclude with considerable confidence that the neoplatonist are
>> as dumb as dog shit for thinking they have made a great philosophical
>> discovery by abandoning the idea of God but not the ASCII sequence G-O-D.
> *> They did, actually. The official term for the Neoplatonist is the ONE. *

And when they talk about THE ONE in deep stentorious tones they mean a grey
amorphous blob that doesn't have the smallest speck of intelligence or
consciousness that did something very important that they can't specify.
They give no evidence for anything and they can't even speculate how the
blob managed to do the very important blobish thing that blobs tend to do.

And these poor boobs think they are great philosophers who have made a
wonderful discovery about how the world works.

>> Before about 1248 dead Greek philosophers had a iron grip on the
>> thoughts of European thinkers. This period is sometimes called the Dark
>> Ages.
> > ?


>> About 1248 Roger Bacon made the first modest steps toward the scientific
>> method and slightly loosened the stranglehold on imagination and
>> creativity that dead Greek Philosophers had held for a thousand years. This
>> period is sometimes called the Renaissance.
> > ?


John K Clark

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