On Sunday, July 7, 2019 at 11:52:41 AM UTC+2, Philip Thrift wrote:
> He does have the correct *contemplative, far-away look* on his home page:
> http://nick-lane.net/

Heh! Yeah good try on the look. For yours truly it's gotta be the chest 
out, stoic, pointing out into the distance/horizon explorer look though.

Concerning origin of life there have to be more approaches than RNA  and 
protein. I tend to think the ribozyme research is amazing and that 
panspermia just displaces the problem and fuels unwarranted speculation and 

But we need more attempts at good soup and the processes therein. For now, 
visiting Chinese parts of town or Hong Kong yields the most convincing 
results: if you catch the right chef and restaurant, I'm sure that some 
amazing wonton soup would support the creation of all life. Greens, 
veggies, noodles, proteins AND RNA intelligently seasoned and *folded just 
the right way*: it supports all of it! 

PGC's wonton theory: IF panspermia then the Chinatown equivalent of the 
multiverse laced all meteorites with primordial wonton. Age and cycles of 
the multiverse can be derived from how sophisticated your local soup is: 
how many folds.  PGC

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