On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 7:18 AM Lawrence Crowell <
goldenfieldquaterni...@gmail.com> wrote:

*> MWI is a quantum interpretation because it makes an ontological
> statement on the nature of the wave function. Quantum mechanics by itself
> makes no inference on the existential nature of ψ.*

The square of the absolute value of nothing is nothing but Quantum
Mechanics states that the square of the absolute value of the wave function
is a probability and that's something, so it seems to me  Quantum Mechanics
is saying the wave function is consistent with reality, it exists.

*> The MWI is ψ-ontological, which means it requires the wave function to
> be ontic or real. By way of contrast the Bohr interpretation is
> ψ-epistemic, which is to say the ψ is just an epistemological entity used
> to compute experimental outcomes; it has no reality.*

Bohr assumes the wave function collapses, MWI does not make that
assumption. Bohr needs to explain how consciousness works as conscious
observers have the ability to collapse the wave function, but MWI can
ignore consciousness because it has nothing to do with it, MWI says
conscious things obey the same laws of physics as things that are not
conscious. Bohr needs to explain exactly what a "observation" is but all
MWI needs to say is when something changes the universe splits.  MWI
maintains that the Schrodinger equation means exactly what it says, Bohr
insists on putting in a lot of caveats. MWI is cheap on assumptions but
expensive in universes, Bohr is the opposite, take your pick.

John K Clark

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