On 09-08-2019 05:35, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 12:21 PM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

On 09-08-2019 04:07, Bruce Kellett wrote:
From: BRUNO MARCHAL <marc...@ulb.ac.be>

On 8 Aug 2019, at 13:59, Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com>

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 8:51 PM Bruno Marchal
If the superposition are not relevant, then I don’t have any
minimal physical realist account of the two slit experience, or
even the stability of the atoms.

Don't be obtuse, Bruno. Of course there is a superposition of
paths in the two slit experiment. But these are not orthogonal
basis vectors. That is why there is interference.

But each path are orthogonal. See the video of Susskind, where
use 1 and 0 to describe the boxes where we can find by which
the particles has gone through. Then, without looking at which
the particle has gone through, we can get the interference of
wave which is obliged to be taken as spread on both holes, and
represent the superposition of the two orthogonal state
here as 0 and 1.

I seldom watch long videos of lectures. But if Susskind is saying
the paths taken by the particle through the two slits are
then he is flatly wrong. Writing the paths as 1 and 0 does not
them orthogonal. And if they were orthogonal they could not
and you would not get interference. Two states |0> and |1> are
orthogonal if their overlap vanishes: <0|1> = 0. Interference
from the overlap, so if this vanishes, there is no interference.

Either Susskind is terminally confused, or you have

We can measure which slit the particle moved through, therefore the
states correspond to different eigenstates with different
eigenvalues of
the observable for this, and they are therefore orthogonal.

Yes. And in the case in which we observe which slit the particle went
through there is no interference.

Because in that case the state is either |0> or |1> or.

The interference pattern is apparent in a wavefunction psi(x) =
[|<x|0> + <x|1>], on a screen we can measure |psi(x)|^2, and this
contains the term I(x) = Re[<0|x><x|1>]. Integrated over all

We do not integrate over all space since we observe the interaction
with a screen.

I did make that clear. The point id that you can do that and then the interference term integrates to zero.

It is really quite simple. If a state is a sum of two components,
|psi> = (|A> + |B>), then we measure <psi|psi> = (<A| + <B|)(|A> +
|B>) = <A|A> + <B|B> + 2<A|B>. If <A|B> does not vanish (the
components are not orthogonal), then there is interference. For
orthogonal components <A|B> = 0, and there is no interference.
Introducing separate states for the two slits does not aid
comprehension  here.

Nonsense. What we observe at a point x on the screen is the expectation value of the projection operator |x><x|. The two states are orthogonal, but that doesn't matter one iota, we always measure the modulus squared of the inner product of the state with |x>.


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