On Sat, 14 Sep 2019 at 12:45, 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> This should be of interest to the list:
> Refuting Strong AI: Why Consciousness Cannot Be Algorithmic
> Andrew Knight
> (Submitted on 11 Jun 2019)
> While physicalism requires only that a conscious state depends entirely
> on an underlying physical state, it is often assumed that consciousness
> is algorithmic and that conscious states can be copied, such as by
> copying or digitizing the human brain. In an effort to further elucidate
> the physical nature of consciousness, I challenge these assumptions and
> attempt to prove the Single Stream of Consciousness Theorem (SSCT): that
> a conscious entity cannot experience more than one stream of
> consciousness from a given conscious state. Assuming only that
> consciousness is a purely physical phenomenon, it is shown that both
> Special Relativity and Multiverse theory independently imply SSCT and
> that the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics is inadequate
> to counter it. Then, SSCT is shown to be incompatible with Strong
> Artificial Intelligence, implying that consciousness cannot be created
> or simulated by a computer. Finally, SSCT is shown to imply that a
> conscious state cannot be physically reset to an earlier conscious state
> nor can it be duplicated by any physical means. The profound but
> counterintuitive implications of these conclusions are briefly discussed.
> Subjects:    History and Philosophy of Physics (physics.hist-ph);
> Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
> Cite as:    arXiv:1906.10177 [physics.hist-ph]
>       (or arXiv:1906.10177v1 [physics.hist-ph] for this version)

The argument is that if consciousness is algorithmic then it can run in two
parallel processes which can at some point diverge, which the author thinks
would create the problem of two different streams of consciousnesses
coexisting in the one mind, which he considers absurd.
Stathis Papaioannou

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